It commences

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Omg, I'm so dumb. Well in this book Mikasa is Eren's adoptive sister just to clear it up if there was any confusion. Also, Eren and his friends are in year 2, and Levi and his group are in year 3 of high school.  Now don't mind me. Just keep reading. love y'all

6:25 AM, Tuesday

Eren POV

I woke up to the sound of Mika.

"wake up Ereh, we need to get ready for school, Armin is inside the kitchen with our mom." I jumped up quickly "Good morning Mika." I walked to the bathroom to take a warm shower.

 As soon as I finished my shower, I got ready and went down the stairs 3 at a time. "Morning everyone." I beamed. "Good morning Eren, oh and Happy birthday!" Armin chuckled seeing how I was in a good mood this morning. "take a seat Eren, you need to eat." 

I went to take a seat when suddenly I remembered about the plan. I ate hurriedly and told Mika and Armin to hurry because I had something urgent to tell them. 

When they heard that they started eating quickly and before I knew it we were already walking down the street to our school. "So Eren, what did you want to tell us?" " yeah Ereh, what did you have in mind?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at them. "I got my photo of my lover, and I want to fill you guys on everything."

We walked and talked about my past and how I was abused by my father and ex. And when I got to Levi I said in a hushed voice so no one else can hear it but Mikasa and Armin. " I want the whole group to be by our favorite spot under the tree at lunchtime. There I will discuss the full plan with everyone." 

They nodded and were about to walk into the school when I suddenly spoke, "while you guys go get everyone else I will try to get to Hangi." they looked at me as if I was crazy.

Everyone knew that Hangi was the most energetic and bizarre student in the whole school. There were also rumors that she did an experiment with Levi. That made her one of his friends.

"Don't get hurt Ereh, you never know what could happen. And if something does happen. I will kick the shit out of her or anyone else." I rolled my eyes at her "you know that I can take care of myself, Mika" Armin then patted me and said "Careful because Hangi knows almost everything about every student. And, if you get on the wrong side of her she could easily tell Levi or anyone else about your plan." 

As I acknowledged his words we heard the bell ring and ran to our classroom as if our life depended on it.

time skip


I walked to the third years' hallway and look for the science lab. I knew exactly where she would be since she was at the very top in chemistry and she used to tutor me back when I was in 1 year. 

"Hello, Errren!" She said excitedly when I went into the lab. she was inspecting me when she said "How have you been, it's been a long time, wow you have grown taller. And if I remember correctly today is your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY" 

She was so energetic. But she was always able to brighten up the mood. "Nice to meet you again Hangi. and I've been great. And I guess thank you for remembering my birthday." "your welcome Eren. Do you need anything from me? Because I don't think you just came by here to say hi."

"uhh, Hangi, I need to know as much as you know about Levi," I said rather too quickly. She raised an eyebrow at me. "And would you mind telling me why you need to know?" "All I can say right now is that you have to tell me and some of my friends all you know. They are just as clueless as you are and I want everyone to be there so I can explain." 

She nodded her head slowly. "okay but under one condition." "anything," I replied, "you let  Erwin in on this plan of yours" I looked at her puzzled. why would she want Erwin in this. "ok, deal" We shook hands and she followed me to the tree.

you flash before my eyes (ErenxLevi) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now