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As we walked toward our tree I could make out the faces: Sasha also known as potato girl, Connie known as Baldie, Jean known as horse face obviously, Historia, Ymir, Mika, and Armin. 

"Hi guys, I know you guys are wondering why I brought all of you-" I was cut off rudely. "well duh jaeger bomb, I don't have all day." I glared at him until he stopped talking. "AS I WAS SAYING I brought you all here because I have a plan." 

"uhmm, Eren, I'm a bit confused." I turned to her "I'm getting there Historia just let me finish."  "ok, Eren." "Anyway this plan is to figure out as much from Levi as possible. I just want to know enough so that I can be protected if anything occurs." 

Everyone but Mika and Armin was confused as hell. I explained to them how I got abused by my father and ex because I told them I was gay. I got beat up and always hid away in my room so I can protect myself in case my mother and sister took the same approach. 

I was terrified. And that was why I started fights because I didn't want to be weak anymore. I wanted to show that I wouldn't get hurt again. 

Everyone stood there shocked at the revelation of my past life. Soon everyone started going up to me apologizing for everything that has happened to me. Even horse face apologized for being rude to me. And well you can say our friendship grew better. 

"So what's the plan jaeger bomb." horse face asked. "Well Hangi this is where you come up and anyone if they know anything, so Hangi what do you know about Levi." she stepped back and quietly said "I've got no clue" "WHAT!" Everyone shouted, "shhh, quiet down people are watching." As we looked around we waved off the people that were staring. 

"what do you mean you don't know anything about Levi," I said a bit frustrated. "I just know very few things about Levi," "well tell us we might be able to figure out at least more if we put it all together somehow." I looked at Armin thinking what would we ever do without him. "Armin's right we might be able to do it that way." 

"So few of the things that I know is that he is rich. no one would have known by how he acts and because of the clothes he uses." Everyone nodded. "Also his relationship with his father is terrible. they never talk and the only person that he truly shows affection is his mother, kutchel." I quickly replied, "I know who she is" I turned to Mika "she is friends with our mother."

"Also... this will come as a shocker but he is really emotional." Everyone gasped as we had uncovered something deep about Levi. "ok" I looked away from the group. 

This is not good, this is not good at all, as I remembered Levi's image from my head. I did see something on his face a bit of fear with anger twisted into it. If what Hangi said is true then my plan is going to fail I need a new plan ASAP. 

Hangi POV:

As much as I wanted to tell Eren. I just couldn't. Levi would kill me on the spot. Why Levi, why can you tell me and Erwin that you like him but not at him? 

"Guys with what Hangi has told me. I'm afraid that my plan won't be able to work sooo does anyone else have a plan to turn Levi adequate." As soon as Eren said that Erwin looked at me. He always a person of logic. So when I saw that mischievous smile playing on his face I joy and giddiness electrified me. 

He is going to use Eren to make Levi realize that's all he needs. Also, Erwin and I will fake that we don't know that Levi likes him. Since we have been stalking Erens encounters with Levi. We knew that what he was planning would be perfect. 

"I know exactly what to do. Tomorrow, Eren when school starts I need you to stand by your locker. I can only tell you that part so that everything else works out well. "everyone agreed to the idea even if they were confused. 

"Hey, guys, Sasha, horse face-" "Hey we're supposed to be friends Connie." jean interrupted.  "historia, Ymir, and I are going to the park. Wanna come" Connie gave a big smile. "Nah Erwin is going to drive me home so we can't go. Bye guys and remember the plan Eren." he nodded and I waved goodbye to everyone. 

Eren POV:

As Hangi and Erwin left. I, Mika, and Armin decided to go with Connie and the group.

"so what are we going to do at the park," I asked. "well Sasha said she was hungry and I remembered there is a great food stand in the middle of the park" We went to the stand and saw so many delicious things there. 

"so uhmm does anyone have any money. I kinda ran out of money from the snacks I bought. "Sashaaaa" everyone groaned "WhAt I wAs HuNgRy" she whined. "Here you guys can use my money. I have more at home." They all thanked me and ran to the stand. 

I sat on a bench nearby when suddenly a blonde girl came out of nowhere. "hi" she said in a flat tone. "hi" I waved. "can I sit here" I was puzzled "sure." While she sat she fiddled with her fingers and she quietly whispered "I like your friend." I turned to her "which one of my friends?" getting curious. "The one that is next to the raven-haired girl."

 I looked at my friends and saw that Armin was the only one close to Mika. "oh, so you like Armin."  She looked up at me and nodded. "hey you never told me your name" she quickly responded "my name is Annie" "well nice to meet you, Annie, I'm Eren." We shook hands. 

I stood up and turned to face Annie, "come on I'll introduce you to my friends" she got up and brushed herself off. "sure." We walked toward them and I saw that they were all enjoying the food. 

"Guys I have someone for you guys to meet." They all looked at me and then glanced at Annie. "Everyone this is Annie" "Leonhart" she added. "Annie this is..." "Connie" Connie pointed to himself. "Sasha" Sasha waved with a potato. "Jean" he slicked his hair back. "Also known as horse face" I whisper shouted.

"Hi I'm historia" she smiled brightly. "I'm Ymir. Just so you know Historia is mine." She added hastily earning a blush from Historia "Ymir," she put on arm around Historia "what it's true." after they calmed down Mika said with a hint of edge in her voice "the name is Mikasa." The last person was Armin 

"You already know me since we go to the same history and English class. But my name is Armin." I looked closer to see that Armin was blushing. I see you, Armin, everyone can. I know you like Annie. I chuckled at myself.

you flash before my eyes (ErenxLevi) [completed]Where stories live. Discover now