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Roman looked over and smiled lightly seeing half-asleep Virgil, looking out the window. He reached one of his hands over, grabbed Virgil's hand, and squeezed it lightly. The two were going on a long drive to go and visit Virgil's grandma, who was very sick and in the hospital, she was also the only family that accepted Virgil when he got out.

"You can sleep, my Stormcloud," Roman said lightly.

Virgil looked over at Roman, "You're up, *yawn* I should stay up," he mumbled sleepily.

"Aww. Don't worry, my Lovely. Get some rest."

"*yawn* Fine" Virgil muttered quietly, already half asleep. He snuggled onto the hoodie he was wearing. "Thanks for driving."


Virgil groaned and rubbed his eyes. "Hey, my Princess," Roman said quietly.

"Hi, my Prince," Virgil mumbled sleepily.

"How was your nap?"

"Good," Virgil asked, sitting up straight (gay). "How long was I out?"

"About an hour," Roman answered. Virgil nodded.

Virgil looked out the window. "Ooo, rain," Virgil said quietly. "I like the rain. Hey, can we pull over? I want to stand in the rain." Virgil asked, looking at Roman with pleading eyes.

"We're driving in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you wanna me to pull over, to feel the rain?" Roman asked.

"...yeah..." Virgil answered innocently.

Roman chuckled and said, "We're almost to the next rest stop. You can feel the rain then."

"Okie," Virgil responded smiling. "I guess I can wait."

A few minutes later, they pulled into a rest stop. Virgil got out of the car, took off his hoodie, and stood in the rain. A romantic song came on the radio, Roman turned it up, got out of his car, and walked over to Virgil.

"May I have this dance?" Roman asked, extending his hand to Virgil.

"I don't see why not," Virgil chuckled, taking Roman's hands.

The two danced in the rain to *romantic song*. Virgil was giggling. Roman spun Virgil, pulled him close, dipped him, and kissed him.

"I love you so much," Roman said.

"I love you so much, too," Virgil said.


They pulled up to the hotel they were staying at. They signed in and brought their things to the room. Visiting hours at the hospital Virgil's grandma was at, so they would be going to see her tomorrow.

They laid down, watching the TV in their room, and soon fell asleep. 

(395 words.) 

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