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Virgil had the day off, so Roman 'took the day off' too. Right now they are cuddling on the couch watching a Disney movie of Virgil's choice.

"I love you," Roman mumbled, holding Virgil as close as possible.

"I love you, too," Virgil whispered back, looking up at Roman. Roman smiles down at him.

"I love hearing that," Roman muttered more to himself than to Virgil. Virgil giggled in response. "I also love hearing."

Virgil blushed a little. "Shut up," he mumbled, turning his attention back to the TV.

Roman growled lowly, making the smaller of the two shiver a little. Virgil looked back up, turning his attention back to Roman. Roman gave Virgil a soft kiss. They both relaxed into the kiss.

They pulled away for breath and went back to watching the movie. Well, Virgil's attention was on the movie, and Roman's attention was on Virgil. 'Mine,' Roman thought. 'And only mine.'


When Patton found out about the engagement he freaked out with happiness. Before he stopped squealing, he had been squealing for at least 5 minutes. He was jumping up and down. He was practically vibrating. He hugged Virgil and Roman very tight.

Once he calmed down, he ran to his room, pulled out a stack of binders from his closet, ran back to the kitchen (where Ro and Vee are), and dropped them on the table with a thud. The now engaged couple looked at them and Patton with curiosity.

"I have some ideas," Patton said, looking at the binders.

"Some?" Virgil said. There were at least 8 different binders in that stack.

"Patton?" Roman questioned, gaining the bubbly man's attention.

"Hm?" Patton hummed.

"How long have you been planning and thinking about Virgil and I's wedding?"

"Since day one."

"You've been planning our wedding since we started dating?" Virgil clarified.

"No," Patton shook his head.

"Oh, okay," Virgil said. He picked up his glass of water and started drinking some.

"Since the first day you started our school," Patton said casually as he looked through the binders.

Virgil coughed, spitting out some of the water, choking on some of it. Roman patted his back. (ha patted)

(362 words. Wow, it's been so long since I last updated this. Well, I hope this was at least good.) 

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