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Roman was about to leave to pick up Virgil when he got a call.

"Hello, Virgil," Roman said, answering the phone. "I was just about to leave to pick you up."

"About that," Virgil started. "My boss wants me to work late. One of my coworkers called in sick. I said I would stay. Can you get me at 7?"

"Of course," Roman said. "See you at 7, my Princess."

"See you at 7, my Prince."

Since he had extra time Roman decided to go call after another victim.


Roman walked back into Remus's house (they used to share). While taken care of someone it had gotten more blonde than expected. Meaning Roman needed to clean all the blood off himself before picking up Virgil. It was 6:45 and he wasn't sure how long it would take, so he called Virgil.

"Hey, Princey," Virgil said.

"Hey, Stormcloud," Roman said. "I might be a little late."

"It's alright. We can meet up in the food court," Virgil suggested.

"Sounds great. I love you, my Lovely. I will be there as soon as I can."

Roman ended the call and started a hot shower. He put his bloody clothes in the hallway for Remus to clean. Roman got into the shower and scrubbed the blood off his skin. There was a knock on the bathroom door.

"The new clothes are on the chair outside the door," Remus said through the door.

"Thanks, Remus," Roman called.

When Roman was done showering he grabbed the clothes and put them on. They weren't the exact clothes he was wearing before but they looked the same. Well, the same as before they got covered in blood.


When he was blood-free Roman left Remus' house and headed to Virgil's work. He met Virgil at the food court. He got there at like 7:15. He saw Virgil sitting at a table drinking a smoothie or something like that. He walked over and sat down.

"Sorry I'm so late, Lovely," Roman said.

Virgil smiled at Roman. "It's alright, Romie."


They went back to their apartment. After eating they went to their room and cuddled until falling asleep. Well, Virgil fell asleep and Roman admired his love.

'Forever mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Forever... Forever... Forever... Forever... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Forever... Forever... and ever... and ever... Mine... Mine...' Roman thought, petting Virgil's hair. He subtly ran his thumb across his lip and jawline. Virgil somewhat lend into the touch. 

(419 words.) 

'You'll be mine soon, my Stormcloud,'Where stories live. Discover now