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(Disclaimer: I don't really know anything about this stuff. If things are wrong please don't be rude about it.) 

After Roman and Virgil talked over how they might want to have a baby, they did some research. They thought about maybe getting a surrogate but they weren't sure who's baby it should biologically be.

They eventually decided it could be random, though they ran into some trouble when it came to finding someone to be their surrogate. No one wanted to help them. They didn't really know any girls they could ask and all of the surrogates they talked to were homophobic or unsupportive of the two.

They then thought about adoption being a possibility.


Roman woke up and thought about what the day might bring. He and Virgil were going to go to an adoption place to potentially adopt a baby or little kid. He looked at the time and got up. He got dressed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

After he made breakfast he went to his and Virgil's room. He gently shook Virgil's arm. "Stormcloud, it's time to wake up," He whispered softly.

"Five more minutes," Virgil grumbled and pulled the blanket over his head.

Roman chuckled. "Come on Stormcloud. I made breakfast and if you don't get up now it's going to be cold." He pulled the blanket away from Virgil's cute sleepy face. "And we're going to that adoption place today to see if it's an option for us."

That got Virgil up. He has been so thrilled about this. Since he first talked to Roman about having a baby he has been buzzing with excitement. "Okay I'm up," Virgil mumbled sleepily.

"Good," Roman said. He picked Virgil up, making him squeal a little. He hugged Virgil and smiled before leaving a light kiss on his lips. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Virgil smiled.


Roman and Virgil pulled up to the adoption place. They walked in and saw a few kids, a baby or two, a few couples, and about three workers. One worker came over to them and said they will be with them in a minute and led them over where the few kids were.

As Roman and Virgil stood there a little kid ran over to them and pulled on Virgil's sleeve. Virgil crouched down to the kid's height. Roman stood behind him trying to hide the fact that he didn't fully want to be there.

"Hey mister," the kid said to Virgil. He pointed to his patchwork jacket. "I-I like your jacket. Did-did you make it yourself?"

Virgil smiled at the kid. "Thanks, kid, and yeah I made it myself."

"Wow! That's so cool!" the kid said before running off again.

Virgil stood up and looked at Roman. "They're all so cute," he whispered.

Roman nodded. "Yeah, cute."


So after a while, a worker came up to Roman and Virgil. They talked for a while and the worker explained that it would be over a year before the two could even potentially adopt a kid. That was way longer than they wanted to wait.

They decided they would think about if they still wanted to adopt or not.


After thinking for about a week they decided that the wait for adoption was too long. Roman got ahold of Remus so they could see what this whole witch thing was about.


"So, uh, Remus?" Virgil questioned as he and Roman followed Remus through the woods. "You know this witch how?"

"Uh..." Remus shrugged. "Ya know. How everyone finds a witch. While walking through the woods as a mysterious mist rolled in. The usual stuff."

Virgil opened and closed his mouth a few times going to say something, but decided not to and shook his head.

Roman shook his head and patted Virgil's shoulder, and whispered in his ear, "don't question him. He makes no sense"

Virgil nodded.

"Are we almost there?" Roman asked. "We've been walking for over a half-hour and we're in the middle of nowhere."

"We'll be there soon," Remus said. "Stop whining."

After about 10 more minutes of walking, they saw a house with a mysterious mist surrounding it. Remus led them up to the house and knocked on the door. The doot soon opened.

"Ah hello, Remus," a feminine voice said from inside.

"Hello, Delilah," Remus greeted. "This is Roman and Virgil." He pointed to each of them as he said their name.

"Ah, Remus has told me about you two," Delilah said. "He's also told me about your baby situation."

"It's nice to meet you, Delilah," Roman greeted.

"Uh, yeah," Virgil said. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet both of you," Delilah welcomed them all into her home. She walked into the kitchen. There was a cauldron in the middle of the counter. There were strange spices and jars all over.

"So, uh," Virgil nervously started. "How does this all work?"

"Well," Delilah started. "I have everything I need, except for some DNA from the both of you." She stirred the cauldron. "As for the payment I'm fine with doing a trade with Remus," she pointed at said man, "if that works with all of you."

"Works for me," Remus shrugged.

"Good. I'm almost out of spleens, kidneys, and eyeballs."

Virgil was about to question it but was cut off as Remus said, "sounds good."

"So what kind of DNA do you need from us?" Roman asked, changing the subject.

Delilah walked over to them and plucked a strand of hair from Roman and Virgil's heads. "This is all I need," she said as she dropped them into the cauldron. A puff of red and purple smoke came from the cauldron. 

(957 words. As of when I started writing this the magic witch was the top vote. I hope this was good and that y'all liked it.) 

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