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Virgil woke up, with a small yawn, not opening his eyes. He stretched a little, making some of his joints pop, then curled up into a little ball. He felt so comfortable and warm. He hummed lightly as he held the blanket close, hiding his face in his pillow.

There was a soft chuckle from across the room. Roman walked close to Virgil, a towel wrapped around his waist, having just got out of the shower. He ran his fingers through Virgil's hair lightly.

"Stormcloud~" Roman purred next to Virgil's ear.

"Five more minutes," Virgil yawned.

Roman chuckled then kissed Virgil's head. He walked over to the dresser and put on some sweatpants.


Virgil was looking at his phone, walking to the kitchen to get a snack. He didn't notice Roman sneak up behind him (you know Roman and his experience of sneaking up on people). Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil, picking him up. Virgil squeaked somewhat loudly. Roman kisses Virgil's neck lightly, making the smaller man giggle a little.

"R-roman," Virgil giggles.

"Yes, my Love?" Roman smiled, his arms were still around Virgil, from behind. He was resting his chin on Virgil's shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothin," Roman smirked, kissing Virgil's neck. "Whatcha doin?"

"I was going to the kitchen to get a snack."

"I can make you something," Roman offered as Virgil turned in his arms.

"You don't have to. I can find something," Virgil said.

Roman shook his head, rolling his eyes a little. He picked Virgil up, making his squeak. He carried Virgil to the kitchen, setting him on the counter. "What do you want? I will make you whatever you want," Roman asked, his hands on the counter, on either side of Virgil.

Virgil shrugged. "I don't know. I was planning to look around to see what we have."

Roman nodded. He walked over to the fridge, opening it, looking in. Virgil hopped off the counter and walked over. He looked into the fridge, standing in front of Roman, who could still see in the fridge.

Roman put one of his arms around Virgil. "I can make us grilled cheese sandwiches," Roman said. Virgil nodded in agreement with Roman's suggestion. Roman kissed Virgil's cheek, then grabbed what he needed out of the fridge, Virgil moving to the side. He closed the fridge and started making the sandwiches.


Roman ran his fingers through Virgil's hair as they watched a Disney movie. Virgil was half asleep and Roman smiled, looking at his adorable face. Virgil yawned, blinking sleepily. He cuddled into Roman, burying his face in Ro's chest.

"Sleep well my Lovely Stormcloud," Roman whispered, kissing Virgil's forehead.

"Night, night," Virgil mumbled into Roman's chest, falling asleep. Roman held him protectively. 

(458 words.) 

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