19(Halloween Special)

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Virgil was in the kitchen, making Halloween cookies because he wanted cookies and it was Halloween morning. He then got a text. He looked at his phone and it was an unknown number. He figured it was probably a wrong number, but he wasn't expecting what he saw when he opened the messages.

The first was a picture of Roman and Remus in a dark alley, covered in blood, standing over a body. His eyes widened and it felt like his heart stopped. The second and last picture was of Roman holding a bloody knife.

"Hey, Stormcloud."

Virgil jumped and dropped his phone as Roman came up and hugged him from behind.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, Stormcloud," Roman apologized. He stopped hugging Virgil, leaned down, and picked up Virgil's phone. He saw the pictures and looked back at a scared Virgil. "Stormcloud."

"R-roman, w-what are those p-pictures a-a-about?" Virgil stuttered, taking a step back.

"It's nothing, Stormcloud," Roman took a step forward, causing Virgil to take another step back. "Stormcloud, please calm down." He reached out to touch Virgil's cheek, only for Virgil to flinch away. It wasn't a total lie. He knew what was happening in the photo, but he didn't know how it existed.

"R-roman. What's going on in those pictures?"

"I told you it's nothing." Roman kept taking a step closer as Virgil took a step back until Virgil's back hit a wall. Roman coursed Virgil's cheek. "Please, calm down, Virgil. Everything's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. No harm will come to you. I promise you're okay. Everything's okay. I love you so much."


"Virgil. I love you so much. So so so so much. I don't know what those pictures are. Please believe me," Roman said, looking Virgil in the eyes.

"I-I..." Virgil wasn't sure what to say. The picture looked real, but he loved Roman and he didn't seem to be lying about the photos.

"Please, Virgil. I have no idea what that is. They must be photoshopped. You know, for some Halloween joke or something."

"O-okay. Yeah, t-that makes sense."

Roman smiled. "Thank you, Virgil, for believing in me. You're the love of my life."

"I love you, too, Roman.


It's now later in the day, aka Halloween night! The two didn't have any plans, so they were just going to watch some scary movies and eat the Halloween-themed treats Virgil cooked.

"These cookies are so good, Love," Roman complimented, smiling at the smaller man.

"Oh, thank you, Ro," Virgil said, smiling back at the bigger man.

"So what movie do you want to watch next?"

"Hmm... how about *insert scary movie*?"

"Sounds perfect. Just like you," Roman winked, making Virgil blush lightly. 

(455 words. I hope this was good and that y'all liked it!) 

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