Supergirl X Superman & Lois

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I just made up my mind. After my testweek is over I'm definitely gonna binge all the Superman and Lois episodes. The first episode had so much potential!

What happened in part one:
Kara had just lost Mon-El. Over the past weeks she'd shoved Kara down and focused on being Supergirl. Alex had said something of it, so Kara decided to let Supergirl go for a few days/weeks and go to Clark, who apparently moved to Smallville. She decided to do something fun with the boys, like she had done when she was younger. A picnic it was (and afterwards the kids would show their new games). Everything went well, and it was delicious, until someone attacked them psychically. Kara didn't recognize her. But she did take Jordan with her. Kara was powerless with all the vertigo and fatigue. What did she want?

After fifteen minutes, Kara felt normal again - well, as normal as she could in this situation. She didn't feel the fatigue or vertigo anymore. They hadn't talked to each other in those minutes. They just lied down, trying to shake everything off. She sat up straight and looked at Jonathan. He was still lying there with his eyes closed. Everything around them was a mess. The sandwiches were half eaten and scattered in the grass. Drinks were spilled. Slowly, Kara got on her feet and started collecting everything. Jonathan opened one eye to see what was going on. "You feeling okay?" Kara asked calmly. "Better" slowly, Jonathan sat up straight. When he got his senses back, he asked, "What the hell happened? Where is Jordan? Who was that? Why did she attack us?" He wasn't that sweet boy anymore she was eating lunch with several moments ago. Too many questions. Kara didn't know what to say. She couldn't just spill Kal's secrets. "Let's just get home, okay. Your father will know what to do" she answered instead. "My dad? He'll probably go to the police! We don't need him for that, let's go" Jonathan wanted to walk away immediately but Kara didn't move. "Jonathan" she started softly, "Let's just get home first. We're probably in shock." Kara knew she wasn't, but he might. She still had sometimes problems with how human bodies responded to these kinds of things. She knew herself better than anyone. Well... No, she didn't want to think about him. They gathered their stuff as quickly as possible and walked home in silence. Both their heads were filled with questions no one had the answer for.

"HOW COULD YOU?" Clark yelled. He had taken Kara outside after they'd explained what happened exactly. In front of Jonathan, he'd stayed pretty calm. But the second he had closed the front door, he had started yelling. He was furious. "HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN, KARA, I TRUSTED YOU!" He put his hands in the air and dropped them immediately. It was all hopeless. "I'm sorry, Kal, I mean, Clark. How could I have predicted she was going to attack us?"

"You're a Kryptonian. Couldn't you have figured something out?"

"She attacked us psychically. I'm glad I didn't totally loose consciousness!"

Lois joined the conversation. Kara was relieved she took her side. "It wasn't her fault, Clark. We need to tell Jonathan the truth. We can't not do it now. We have to explain and then make a plan of how we're getting Jordan back" Lois was strangly calm. Like she knew this could happen and she was already prepared for this. "Fine... fine" Clark said. He finally calmed down a bit. 

Jonathan had been watching his father and Kara fight from behind the curtains. He was wondering what they were talking about. "Jonathan, could you come to the living room. We need to discuss something" Lois said. He nodded, following her to the living room, and sat down on the couch. His parents were sitting opposite of him and Kara on his right side. "Jonathan, we need to... confess something" Clark started. He glanced at Kara and then at Lois, who nodded to him. He knew he was doing the right thing. "Is is about Jordan?"

"Sort of, well, yes, but no, uh... It's actually... I.. am.. Superman" Clark said it a bit awkward because he had no idea how to bring this news. Jonathan just laughed. He thought his father was kidding. "You? Hahaha, I'm sorry dad, but that's the worst joke you've ever made!"

"I'm not kidding!" Clark stood up, took the candle from the table, held it in the air, and used his freeze breath to blow it out. Jonathan dropped his jaw. "Yo-you're superman?" he murmured. "Yes, and we think Jordan because that person knew my identity" Lois added. "Oh, well, that's great" Jonathan felt anger rise within him. He stood up and slammed the front door behind him. He needed time alone. 

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Kara asked. Clark didn't know what to do and thought that if she gave him a little push in his direction he would come around. So he nodded. Kara went outside and tried to find Jonathan. It didn't take very long as she could use her superhearing and her x-ray vision. He was close. "Do you mind if I sit?" Kara gestured to the place next to him. He didn't move. He just sat in the grass, looking angry at the ground. Kara sat down and sighed. "Look, your father didn't want to tell you this under these circumstances, but there was no other choice" she started. "You knew?" Jonathan lifted his gaze to Kara. "I'm his cousin."

"Wait, does that mean...?"

"Jup!" Kara giggled as she stood up, checked the area, and when the coast was clear, she flew into the air. Not higher than a few inches. Then she landed and sat down again. "You're National City's Supergirl?" he couldn't believe it! "I am. Did you know that I'm actually older than he is?"

They had this whole conversation about Krypton and their lives until it was time to go back. Jonathan had thought it through and realized his father kept the people safe. When he came back, his parents were still sitting in the same place they were an hour ago. He stood still in front of his father and reached out his hand. But Clark, of course, didn't accept just a handshake. He stood up and hugged his son. "Thanks dad, for saving all those people every day" Jonathan whispered. But Lois had heard it as well and smiled. She knew the boys would come around eventually. Well, at least Jonathan did. Now they had to find a way to save Jordan before it was too late. 

I know you can hear me

"Kal!" Kara warned. She was startled and didn't recognize the voice in her head. 

You don't know me, but I know you.

Now Clark heard it too. The voice. It wasn't in their heads. They could only hear it because of the superhearing. Clark turned to Jonathan and Lois and gestured they had to be silent. 

I have your son.

A pause. Was she gonna speak again? Just when Clark thought that was all, the voice continued.

I'll kill him if you don't do exactly as I say. Meet me tomorrow, 6 o'clock in the morning at the place I took him.

After a few minutes, they knew the voice wasn't going to say anything else. "I'll come with you, then" Kara reassured him that whoever that person was, they were going to save Jordan.  


Of course, there's gonna be a part 3 in this :)

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