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Season 3:

Kara and Mon-el are dating. But Mon-els mother returned and she had a plan...

''Supergirl, let's go'' J'onn said when Supergirl walked into the DEO. ''What? Why?'' Supergirl said serious. ''We have an alien problem downtown'' J'onn said. ''What about Mon-el? Can't he help you?'' Supergirl had done a lot lately and was kinda tired, yes Supergirl tired. ''Of course Mon-el can help, but you're Supergirl, National City's hero'' J'onn said and together they flew away. ''What's the problem?'' Supergirl asked as they landed on the ground. But J'onn didn't need to explain because Supergirl already saw the problem. Rhea had set a fire in a building and walked away. ''Catch me if you can!'' she laughed and flew away. ''Save them, I'll go after her'' Supergirl said and flew after Rhea.

I followed her to the last place I had seen her, her spaceship. ''Why are you here?'' I demanded. ''Because I missed my son'' she said. ''He has made his choice!'' Supergirl said but Rhea didn't want to listen. ''You sound just like my dead husband'' she sighed. ''What happened to him?'' Supergirl asked. ''I killed him'' she said like it was nothing. ''What are you gonna do now?'' Supergirl asked, ''kill me?''

''Yes'' Rhea laughed evil.

The spaceship went on lockdown mode on Rhea's order but that didn't scare Supergirl. ''You know I'm the girl of steel, right?'' Supergirl said badass. ''Are you sure about that?'' Rhea laughed and two men walked to Supergirl with kryptonite. Supergirl felt weakness overwhelming her. She tried to ignore the pain but she couldn't. ''With kryptonite you won't win'' Supergirl said when the men grabbed her. ''That's not all I have, dear'' she said serious and Supergirl was brought to a prison, made of kryptonite.

''Where's Supergirl?'' Alex asked worried. ''I don't know. I hoped she'd be back by now'' J'onn walked in. ''There's a big spaceship above National City'' Winn said and pointed at his screen. ''I'm sure she's there'' he added. ''Let's go'' Alex was ready to go. ''Hold on for a moment. We don't know what's out there'' J'onn stopped her. ''I can handle it. I'm gonna bring back my sister'' she answered and loaded a gun. ''You can use the portal we used last time'' Winn stood up and led them there. ''Hi, where's Kara? I've been searching her all morning!'' Mon-el appeared at the DEO. J'onn looked at Alex. They didn't know what to say. ''She's um well, your parents are back and they've taken her'' Alex said, ''but no worries, we're getting her back''

''You can't underestimate my mother! I'm coming with you'' Mon-el said and changed in his suit in a second. J'onn and Alex couldn't stop him and the more people the better. Winn turned on the portal. ''Let's do this'' Alex was sure they could make it. They jumped through the portal.

They ended up in the spaceship. They recognised it from last time they were there. ''Let's split up'' Alex decided. J'onn went one way and Alex and Mon-el another. ''Where do you think she is?'' Alex asked. ''I don't know! I haven't seen my mother in a year or so'' Mon-el sighed. Nobody seemed to be around. Suddenly someone jumped in front of them. They had no idea where he came from. It was a young man. He attacked Alex, who fought back. But an alien is not that easy to fight. Mon-el tried to help her, but got blasted away. ''How did you do that?'' he said painful. ''Maybe if you were there you'd know the new things we did'' the young man smiled. He overpowered Alex and knocked her out.

J'onn woke up, not knowing he was unconsious. He looked around and saw he was at the DEO. ''What the?'' he started and saw Winn in front of him. ''Are you okay? Where's Kara?'' he was worried. Slowly memories returned. ''A man, he was there suddenly. Hu must have knocked me out and brought me back'' J'onn touched his head and it hurt. ''I need to go back!''

''You can't! The portal is destroyed'' Winn said. J'onn freaked out.

Mon-el woke up and saw his mother. ''Hello son'' she said. ''What the? Mom!'' he was angry, ''why are you back? I've made my decision'' his mother walked slowly towards him. ''You're my son. You're supposted to stay with me''

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