Legends of Tomorrow

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Okay, so we saw a little of Zava and I think their friendship is sooo pure. So I hope you enjoy this story about Zava's friendship :)

Sara had returned to the Waverider. ''How were things here when I was in Starling?'' she asked, worried for the answer. ''Things went... well'' Ava said. ''And with 'well' you mean like the Legends usually do things?'' Sara asked. ''Kinda'' Ava shrugged her shoulders. Sara smiled. ''That's the only way I know.''

''Team meeting on the Bridge'' she said through intercom. A minute later the team came to the Bridge. ''Welcome back, cap'' Nate said. ''Good to see you'' Behrad greeted. ''Where is your sister?'' Sara asked. ''Uh, I- I don't know?'' Behrad answered, ''I haven't seen her all day.'' That was odd. ''I'll fin-''

''I'll do it, babe'' Ava said and kissed Sara on her cheek. ''Sure'' Sara said, turning to the team, ''we need to focus on the Encores.''

Ava walked to Zari's room. She knocked, but there was no response. After that she just opened the door. ''If someone doesn't say 'come in' you're not supposed to come in'' Zari's sad voice said. ''Haven't you heard, we have a team meeting on the Bridge'' Ava said. ''I'm not in the mood.''

Ava saw Zari, laying in her bed. Tears everywhere. ''What's wrong?'' Ava asked. ''I don't want to talk about it'' Zari responded and turned her back on Ava. ''Sometimes talking about it with a friend will help.'' A moment of silence later Zari turned around. ''I have lost 30 million followers, because of this ship'' she sighed and tried not to cry. ''Why would they leave you?'' Ava asked. ''Because I haven't posted in a while. That's what followers are, they will be there when you give them what they want, but as soon as that stops-''

''Look, I understand that your followers meant a lot to you, bu-''

''They never meant a lot to me, but my parents always treated Behrad like an angel. I wanted to show them what I could accomplish. It didn't give me friends or extra love from my parents. I think they think I am annoying'' Zari sighed. ''I'm sorry about that. But who needs followers if they have friends'' Ava said, ''there's this whole team here that likes you.''

''That's not true. Sara doesn't want me here. Behrad thinks I'm the annoying sister. Nate is super weird to me and Ray barely speaks to me.''

''But besides them, you will have me.''

''I know'' Zari smiled for a second. ''Do you think I should give up my fame?''

That was a hard question for Ava. She knew fame was something that was hard to just give up. ''If you think it's the best choice, then it will be. Maybe you can use your free time to try to- you know, make them like you, if they don't already do. Things like, don't judge people on their behavior or clothes and they won't to the same'' Ava said and stood up. ''Ready to go to the team meeting?''

Zari smiled, wiped her tears and stood up as well. ''Never been more ready'' she said and they walked to the team. Zari was happy with Ava. She was so sweet to her. Maybe fame wasn't her happy ending, maybe it was the friendships she could make her. And maybe, she would some day become a real part of the team. But for now, Ava had her back. That was all she needed. For now.

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