The Flash

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@Sxarletwidow3014 sent this request to me. I hope I made something nice out of it :)

⚠️WARNING: this chapter contains an eating disorder. If you're not comfortable reading this, I suggest you don't read any further!⚠️

She looked into the mirror with blurry vision. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She couldn't even see what she wanted to see. She just wanted to give up. What was the point of everything? On the other hand, she was so hungry. But she forbid herself to eat anything. It was time to go to school and pretend she was fine. Because that was what she did. What she had always done.

Caitlin walked into STAR labs. She finally felt like her life was heading in the right direction. She had her dream job, had nice colleagues, and she was going to marry the love of her life in a few months. After if it couldn't get any better, she was also changing the world for the better. Tonight the particle accelerator would go online, and the world would be watching close by. Working with Harrison Wells, Cisco Ramon, and Ronnie - her fiancé - had been a blast. And now she could do even more good. It had always been in her. No matter how much she struggled, she knew she wanted to make the world a better place. "Caitlin, I'm so glad you're here. Peter called me a few minutes ago. He's sick. Can you stand next to Cisco at the press conference?" Dr Wells immediately approached her as she entered the cortex. "Of course, I'm happy to do it" Caitlin responded. She felt truly happy. 

After the press conference, which went perfect, the team assembled in the cortex. In a moment, they were going to put the particle accelerator online. This was the moment she had been waiting for for more than two years. Dr Wells put his hand on the screen. "That's it? I thought there would be a loud bang?" Cisco asked. "If there was a loud bang we'd all be in big trouble" Ronnie answered. Caitlin smiled at him. Everyone was clapping. But then there was the loud bang that Cisco had been talking about. Everyone looked startled and the other scientists stopped clapping. 

That night everything changed for Caitlin. The Particle Accelerator had exploded. Dr Wells had ended up in a wheelchair because he was paralyzed. And worst of all, her fiancé, Ronnie, died trying to save them all. Caitlin knew her life would never be the same. 

For the past nine months, she'd taken care of everyone else. She didn't think a second about taking care of herself. Barry Allen needed her attention. Or Cisco needed a friend. Or Dr Wells needed someone to lean on. Cisco was the only one who besides her hadn't left Wells' side. They had decided to take care of Mr Allen because he was one of the injured. It had been their fault. And they were going to make it right. 

Just when Caitlin and Cisco were about to check up on him, Barry sat straight and gasped. "Wh-where am I? Who are you? What is going on?" he rambled. "Calm down. I'm Cisco, she's Caitlin, Dr Snow. You're in STAR labs, dude!"

Barry had left an hour after he woke up. He wanted to see his family more than anything. They'd missed him for sure. As Cisco and Dr Wells went to another room to talk about something - Caitlin was sure it had something to do with Barry - Caitlin stayed behind in the Cortex. She looked at her shaking hand, but covered it with her other. She had changed that night as well. In her thoughts, for the better. But no one really knew what was going on with her. She covered her stomach with her arms, even though no one was watching her. She didn't want to see herself either. She didn't want to face the truth either. "You're never going to believe what happened!" Barry Allen had come back. Caitlin startled. "Barry?"

"I can run faster than the speed of sound! The explosion must have done something to me!" 

Of course, Caitlin didn't believe Barry. He was crazy. The cause? Probably the coma. "I'll get Dr Wells" she eventually sighed when she saw his begging eyes. 

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