Chapter 104 : Agony

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The Algea were the goddesses of sorrow,

Daughters of Eris,

The goddess of strife.

They were personifications of negative situations,

And were related to Oizys, god of misery, and Penthos, god of mourning.



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It was a mess.

The bottom half of the club was in ruins; like someone had mangled up a piece of rubber and spat it out. Bouncers scurried past us. They escorted a handful of clubbers, some injured, others unconscious.

A bouncer called to his teammate, his six arms waving. "Call the bosses! Now."

"They're not picking up!" The second bouncer answered.

"Then where's Trent?"


The dwarf. In other words, Eros' right-hand man.

Pools of water rushed out of the building. Painting the pavement with water and mud. Zion rushed in without a second thought, sneakers slapping against the puddles. Dimitri followed. His footsteps were heavy as he watched the chaos around us.

I took a step forward but was cut short by a hand on my shoulder. Hunter moved to my line of sight. His face had creased into a frown. Anger clear on his face. "Pedro is in danger, isn't he? I heard you and Dimitri."

Which means Hunter was doing more than observing a desert bush. He was eavesdropping. Somehow that brought an urge to slap him. Hunter was short; almost my height but an inch taller. It made it hard to avoid his gaze.

"...And it's all because of you."

At his words, anger stirred from my lower belly. I clenched my fists. "How is this my--"

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