Chapter 45 : Hoodie

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They are half-human, half-horse

They have the body of a horse,

And the torso, head, and arms of a man.

Most were depicted as lustful and wild.

They are Centaurs.


The entire place was booming with music, so much that I felt the ground shake under my stiletto heels

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The entire place was booming with music, so much that I felt the ground shake under my stiletto heels. A DJ stood in a raised booth as he kept scratching his records by moving them back and forth on his turntable, creating an upbeat rhythm. Disco lights flashed everywhere in colors mainly red, blue, purple, and pink.

The people kept cheering at the DJ while dancing to his tune. The whole floor -- including the two sets of balconies on each side of the club -- was crowded to the brim. So much that it was hard to get through without touching someone.

Somehow I knew the few people that looked normal weren't really...well...normal.

Two girls our age passed by us. They both had scales that covered each of their skin. One noticed Zion with her serpent eyes and a forked tongue slithered out, attempting to seduce. Zion's eyebrows rose at her bold gesture.

A group of guys to our left were nodding to the beat as they sipped from a plastic cup. Their upper body looked normal but their other half had four horse legs and a tail. I knew what they were;


I relaxed a bit when Zion's fingers interlaced with mine. He glanced around. "This is the weirdest club I've been to."

I smiled at his statement.

"Damn right," Pedro muttered.

Air vents lined the ceiling as they sprayed some sort of gas over the crowd.

That's odd. Why will they want to do that?

"Remember, we need to stay close." Zion glanced at his brother with a stern look. "Okay, Pedro?"

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