Chapter 92 : Encounter

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In Greek religion,

Plutus is the god of abundance.

According to Hesiod,

Plutus was born in Crete,

The son of the goddess, Demeter.


The faint sound of bass music filled the illuminated streets

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The faint sound of bass music filled the illuminated streets. Random pedestrians littered the walkway in their flimsy black and red clothes. Probably members of the nightclub.

Sprawled underneath the canopy of a bakery shop were a drunk group of young adults. They scrambled away when the keeper burst through the glass door with a toilet brush.

I wandered down the streets, trying to be inconspicuous by keeping close to the walls and shadows. I rubbed my arms to block out the cold. My bare feet scraped the floor as I trudged past a fleet of cars, following in Liam's footsteps.

The alley he turned into was only two blocks away; pretty close to the main building of star-crossed inc. Some part of me hoped I didn't lose him.

But why do I feel guilty for spying? For invading his privacy?

He might have reasons for keeping things a secret. And I respect that, but curiosity was eating me whole. I need to know what he's hiding. It could endanger us all and this could be my only chance to figure it out.

I turned down the alley, piles of trash lined the walls. The atmosphere grew dark and cold as I ventured further. I walked past a clowder of cats as they buried themselves in the garbage.

The alley continued down another bend. The only source of light was the full moon. A faction of me wanted to turn back.

So what if Liam is hiding things? He'll tell you everything at the right time.

Having a warm chat with Pedro is definitely better than this.

With one deep gulp, I gathered up courage and continued. I was two steps in when something sparked through my inner wrist like I had touched hot metal. Ignoring the pain, I continued; Liam being my priority.

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