Chapter 38 : Hickey

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She's the goddess of the harvest

She presides over earth's fertility.

Referred to as the goddess of the harvest,

And was the mother to Persephone.

she's Demeter.


I shut my eyes, waiting for the impact

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I shut my eyes, waiting for the impact.

There was none.

Zeus' sword fell close to my feet. It clambered against the tiles like a freaking bell before turning silent. I blinked and looked up.

The god had doubled over like he had been punched in the gut. His hands grasped his head in a vice grip. He grunted and stumbled back with eyes shifting beneath his tightly shut eyelids. It almost seemed like he was trying to wake up from a bad dream. The god fell on one knee and let out an agonizing scream. After a brief moment, his eyes rolled back before crumpling to the ground.

I was breathing fast.

What just happened?

I rushed to Liam and knelt by him. "Are you okay?" I touched his face.

It took a minute for his exhausted eyes to find mine before glancing at his torso. "I will be."

I followed his gaze and gasped. The burnt wounds on his chest were slowly healing and seeing it this close was a first. A groan interrupted the moment. We turned to find Zeus pulling to his feet.

Oh no.

I looked around, needing a weapon. My broken umbrella lay on the floor.

So not an option.

I kept looking around and spotted Liam's bow. Why didn't I see it before? I moved fast, grabbing it, and aimed the sharp tip for protection. Liam was chuckling beside me. I slapped him and he blinked a few times.

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