Chapter 105 : Paint

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In Greek mythology,

Iris was the daughter of the cloud nymph Elektra and Thaumas,

She's a minor god,

And was sometimes connected with the sea.

Her rainbow frequently appeared in the sky over bodies of water.


"Penny, be a dear and get my laptop bag

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"Penny, be a dear and get my laptop bag. It's in the back seat." Dad's head disappeared into the car boot as he shuffled through his stuff.

I walked to the side of his Hummer vehicle and opened the passenger door. I heaved out his bag and strapped it over my shoulder.

With the back of my hand, I wiped the sweat from my forehead. The hot sun beat down against my skin, gradually turning my shirt damp from the extraneous exercise.

We had moved from our old apartment -- since Zeus had wrecked it -- to a new one. Dad still thinks a bunch of robbers were behind our home's destruction. If only he knew.

Ever since that fight, Zeus hadn't bothered to show up. It made me wonder if he was doing it on purpose. Even with his absence, the god still managed to wreck my life. Because of him, we were moving into Sasha's home; the female creep who brings my dad happiness but hates me.

It was mutual. Either way, I couldn't give in to my contempt. I have to suck up to her for my dad's sake. She's his fiancée and he loves her. At least that's what I think.

After leaving star-crossed inc., Zion, Dimitri, Hunter, and I left for the Peterson's home. No sooner than that, dad arrived. He exchanged 'hellos' with the brothers before informing me of our relocation. I promised to tell Zion everything the moment we've settled.

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