Chapter 9 : Spy

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Some were temples for sacrifices.

Others were structures built to house deity statues.

All within Greek sanctuaries.

And in ancient Greek religion.


Stepping into the library, I pushed open the large doors and cringed when they banged against the adjacent wall

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Stepping into the library, I pushed open the large doors and cringed when they banged against the adjacent wall.

"Sshh!" The librarian sat behind a large desk with her index finger to her lips.

I mouthed the words 'sorry' before taking cautious steps inside. I glanced through rows of bookshelves.


No one was around. So why is the librarian being so perky?

I walked down a long aisle of books before entering the lounging area. Sitting behind one of the tables was the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

Pedro seriously reading.

He had a huge binder before him as he scanned it with a furrowed expression. He turned a page, buried his nose before continuing again.

"This is new," I mumbled.

He looked up and smiled. "Hello, Pickles."

I scrunched my face. "I hate pickles."

He shrugged but still maintained the smile. "Well I love them and we don't mostly get what we want."

I slipped off my bag and placed it on the table before sitting down.

Pedro watched me. "Why the bag?"

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