Chapter 23 : Runaways

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The seasons halted.

Living things stopped growing and died.

The goddess was preoccupied with loss and grief.

Her daughter was abducted by the god of the underworld.

A grieving goddess of the harvest.

She's Demeter.


I didn't understand what he meant by 'regretting my decision', but one thing was certain, I didn't care

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I didn't understand what he meant by 'regretting my decision', but one thing was certain, I didn't care. On one hand, it doesn't look advisable to go out with him but on the other, I had an advantage. I could state my conditions; If I go, he could help us rescue Gwen's dad. It's the perfect deal. Only if he'll cooperate. 

The hours passed by fast as I glided through each lesson without murder. It almost like a normal day. With every class, I either had Zion, Pedro, Dimitri, Gwen, Hunter, or Liam present. My last class was French Class. And Hunter, master of prejudice was present in all his glory. But he never bothered me so no worries there.

I survived successfully and the moment our bell rang to officially close the day, I sauntered straight to my locker. I placed all unnecessary books in the safe and glimpsed around. Gwen and the Petersons were nowhere in sight and oddly, so was Liam.

"Hello there. "

I yelped, nearly jumping out of my skin. Emily stood cheerfully with hands behind her back. Two girls flanked her.

She smiled with all set of teeth, which just gives me the creeps. "You're Pedro's friend, right?"

Oh, I see where this is going.

I leaned on one leg, posing intimidation. "Yeah."

"That's sweet," she spoke through clenched teeth. The fake smile just made it even more strange. "I was thinking..." she continued. "...if we could be friends. You sound awesome and I thought, maybe it'll be great if we just get along."

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