Chapter 3 : Problem

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She lives in a cave.

She feeds on weary and lonely travelers.

She's a viper; mother to Medusa.

Echnida, mother of all monsters.


I walked down the long corridor, giving glances at the portraits which decorated the white walls like some sort of museum

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I walked down the long corridor, giving glances at the portraits which decorated the white walls like some sort of museum. Even after so many visits to the Peterson's home, I never get tired of seeing them. It was as if they worshipped themselves here.

A huge picture of Mr. And Mrs. Peterson was suspended at the far end of the hallway. They were in each other's arms as they stared dreamily at the camera. Their smiles were so wide that it was easy to tell they were in love.

But their busy lives had replaced much of their family time. So much that they barely had a moment to converse with the triplets they adopted. I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't around tonight.

I turned to the side, spotting a picture of the triplets around the age of twelve. They seemed happy.

Pedro had a wide smile, showing all his little teeth with his hands behind his back. Zion stood to his left. His arms folded over his small chest with a smirk plastered on his face. Hunter gloomed on the other side, hands in his pockets as he stared moodily at the camera like he couldn't wait to get out of here.

I kept my stroll, turning down another hallway to a door. I pushed it open and stepped into the foyer which extended to the main living room.

"And the prodigal daughter is back!" Pedro's voice resonated as soon as I trodded in. He stood behind a counter which divided the living room and the dining table. His hands fidgeted with a set of juice makers as he busily poured himself a cup of orange juice. It was like one o'clock in the morning and he was already drinking. I propped my ice cooler and duffel bag against a wall and walked further.

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