16 | Chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen woot woot!

Enjoy loveliees


                     I rush up to my room. I take my bag and pull everything outside. Just like what I suspected, home works . why can't the teacher just leave us alone for no home work? I still have my English homework. Meh just ten questions, that should be easy.

                     I rush doing my homework. Cause I'm just tired. I wanna hop into my bed and sleep. I wish I will never woke up. I can be in the world of dreams. Who am I kidding? After I'm done, I change unto my PJs and wipe my make up off my face. I hop into my bed and get lost in dreams.

Natasha's POV
{ Next Morning }

                    Beep..! Beep..! Beep..!

                   "Ugh!" I groan. I click the snoze button and flutter my eyes open. Another damn morning..

                    I sat down. I yawn as loud as I could. My vision is still a little blurry. Yikes! I stand up and walk into my bathroom. I take my toothbrush and pur some paste. Morning breath sucks.

                    I brush my teeth. Making circles everywhere. After done. I fill my mouth with water and pout them out.

                    I strip out of my pyjamas and start the warm water. Its in the middle of November, if I remember. I wash my dirty body with water and soap. Making myself squeaky clean.

                   I step out of the shower, shivering. I wish I can stay in my bathtub for the rest of my life. Well who doesn't? Well I does.

                   I put my hair into a messy bun and use my white crop top with a mini skirt. I'm feeling white today! Wait, winter, damn it! I change into my white shirt that look like a sweater, which is not. And I also wear my floral skirt

( Picture on the top ^^^ )

                  I use my black fluffly boots. I take out my backpack and shove my phone, charger, iPod, ear buds, notebook, homework, pencils and stuff in.

                  Should I walk to school? I mean, snow is pilling up. Yeah Im just gonna walk to school.

                  I really–really–really–really–really hope that Luke will offer me a ride. I'm not taking benefits alright!

                I walk through the piling white snow. Reminds me of snow white. Haha.. As I walk, a car stop by next to me please be Luke, please be Luke, please be Luke. I'm praising right now ha!

                 The fact hurts that it was NOT Luke. It was Michael. Wuut? "Wanna ride?" He offer. Sure if only Luke inside. Oh come on he won't be here anyway. I feel bad if I say no to Michael. So "Yes" , I reply.

                 "Cool!" I open the back passenger door and sat down. I take out my IPod and plug in the ear buds. Ayee my favorite song are on. I sing out loud, not aware of Michael listening to me. He chuckle. Is my singing that bad? "Nope its just adorable" He said as if he can read my mind.

                  "Natasha, is it okay if Luke join us?" Luke? What the fuck! Of course yes! Anything for him. What the heck is wrong with me today. I'm over reacting over Luke. "Sure, I don't mind" I smile. Im jumping like an idiot right now. Jumping at inside, not outside of course! I will look like a complete creep! We stop in front of Luke house, the last time and the only time I'm here is when he host the party, wow he's house is bigger than I saw. Oh right cause its day time right now.

                    "Yo your early today man!" Luke enter the car and do some guy-handshake. "Yee I found Natasha walking on the street so why not offer her a ride" Michael smirk at me. I don't know what to say to be honest. I got lost on Luke's perfect eyes, lowing down to his fluffy lips. Oh and his lip ring make me wanna die. He is the best distraction for me, if you ask.

                     "Ayee stop starring and take a picture, it  will last longer" Luke chuckle. I don't know how to react. All I know is that my cheek suddenly burn on fire and turn into tomatoes.

                    He notice me blushing then he chuckle. Oh he make me on. I loon down, trying to hide my tomato face. Oh yeah, luke broke up with Aleisha. So he is single YAAS! I'm cheering like an idiot now, in Michael's car. Michael notice through the miror in the car and raise an eyebrow. Luke, well he's on his phone. I wonder what he is doing. Wait, he's not iMessaging with Aleisha right? Damn it Tasha, you are over reacting my conscious spoke up. Maybe I am over reacting, I don't know.


                    Boring chapter, sorry guys. I wanna say that I'm not a 5sos fam. I'm just writting this for fun. So I don't know a lot about 5sos.

                    So I'm sorry, last chapter, I told you guys that I'm gonna give Luke's POV. Turns out this isn't the right chapter.

                   Next chapter, I promise!

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