05 | Chapter five

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Chapter five :

Angie's POV
{ Sorry for changing POVs }

I walk towards the bar. I grab some drink. I don't drink. Well sometimes when I'm mad or depressed.. I'm under age too haha

I spot Jeeval sitting with Calum.

I approach them

"Hey Jee"

"Hey girl! come with us and enter the rainbows"

"Ayee drunk already?" I raise an eyebrow

"Maybe" she giggled

"Calvin you let her drink?"

"Sorry I can't reply you I'm entering the rainbow world yaay" Calum cheer

Okay they both are drunk


"Jeeval how many you drink?"

"Seven or eight shot"

"Oh my god!"

"Stop worrying her and come with us to the rainbow!" Calum pout

"Umm I'm gonna go find some help"

I ran around the room like a idiot

I spot Michael and Ashton, this should be good

"Micky! Ashy! Help me cal and jee are drunk!"

"I am too" Michael cheer

"Sorry he's drunk" Ashton said

"Oh my god is everyone drunk here?" I said my hand on my check and gasp.

"Haha shut up! Help me bring michael to a bed and let them sleep"

"How about Calum and Jeeval?" I ask

"We'll handle them later"

Me and Ashton carry Michael to a room upstairs.

"Is it Ok if we bring him here?" I ask

"Yea this is Luke house, we've been here plenty time"


We enter a bedroom and carry Michael to a bed.

"Let him sleep, lets go!"

We ran downstairs and look for Calum and Jeeval.

"Over there!" I point towards the yard.

"What are they doing there?" Ash ask.

"I don't know"

We walk over them.

"Woot woot!" Jeeval yell while dancing.

"You go babe!" Calum kiss Jeeval's cheek


"Hey jee!" I walk towards her.

"Hey gurl! Join us!"

"I have plan even better! Follow me!" I smirk.

"No I'm not leaving Calum!"

"Calum then come with us too!" Ash smirk

"Okay!" They chirp


Hi guys!

Short chappie sorry

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