14. Y/N?!

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Ranboo pov.

I walked into lilac's neighborhood, Until i saw her house. I didn't see a car out front but i still should be careful. I walked to the side of the house and crouched down, trying to listen to the conversation going on inside.

"I know bud. y/n's still out cold on the ground. I still cant believe they said he would never love me! Such a small and idiotic person. Im so close for him to be mine!...MINE! Okay okay whatever. I think y/n will be out cold for a little longer, so ill just leave and get some supplies for when they wake up! What? no they'll be fine all alone if they wake up. I promise you. Alright, bye."

Supplies for when they wake up? What are they gonna do to y/n? I have to stop this. I sat there hiding for a little longer until i heard the front door open. I sat completely still as i saw lilac walk out and down the neighborhood. I slowly crept up and looked to see lilac turn the corner, disappearing. I hurry and walk to her front door, trying to turn the door handle, Only for it to be locked. I look around to see if anyone is there before i walk back, and charged towards the door.

I felt the impact on my arm as the frame of the door cracked. I take a step back once again, charging towards the door again. This time the door completely separated from the frame, as i fell, as well as the door. I quickly pick myself up and looking around me to see complete darkness. I fumble around my pockets and bring out my phone, turning on the flashlight. I find the lightswitch and i flick it on, seeing i was in the living room. I look around the house more, slamming doors open until i found her. Y/n was on the floor, their legs tied up to the chair. "Y/N!"

I run over to them and untie the ropes from their legs and i pick them up, pulling y/n into a tight embrace. "ughh.." i heard y/n grumble and they opened their eyes. "What the hell..wait...RANBOO!" Y/n hugged me and we sat there. Crying. "I cant believe you here i thought i was going to die!." they sobbed into my chest. "Hey hey its okay. We cant just sit here. We have to get out of here, NOW. Are you hurt? Can you walk?"

"Yeah i can walk. My hip and my head hurts alot but ill be just fine walking." I smile and let out a sigh of relief. I got up and helped y/n up and i hugged them once again. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS." Someone screamed from the other room. It wasn't lilac...It must have been the person she was on call with earlier. I took y/n in the corner of the room and i protected them in my arms. I waited as the stomps came closer and closer to the room as a man walked in, looking straight at me and y/n. "Oh well what do we have here?" The man snickered and came closer. I hid y/n behind me. "Dont you DARE take another fucking step near us." I shouted. "Or what pretty boy? You gonna hit me? Im SO MUCH stronger than you." They snickered as they kept eye contact, stepping closer.

"Oh you little shit." I shouted and charged towards the man, punching him across the face, knocking him back. He wiped the blood off his mouth. "Now you did it pretty boy. I dont fucking care if your little princess is in the room i will still beat your ass." The man growled and ran towards me, punching me in the nose. I fumble back, wiping the blood that was dripping out of my nose. I tossed my phone to y/n. "Run out of here to a safe spot and call the police for me." I tackled the man. "I cant just leave you here!" Y/n shouted. "PLEASE JUST FUCKING GO AND CALL THE POLICE. ILL BE FINE." I shouted and y/n quickly ran out.

(oh shitttt-)

I kept the man on the ground, punching him over and over again. I just had to keep him off of me until the police got here.....


I ran out of the house and out the side and hid in a bush. I fiddled around and grabbed ranboos phone, calling 911. "911 what's your emergency?" The worker said. "Please help me! Just PLEASE!" I sobbed into the phone. "Alright tell me the address and stay on the line with me, what's your name?" The worker calmly said. "The address is *** **** street, my name is y/n. How long will it take?" I panicked. "Alright y/n i sent some officers towards you, they will be there in around 2 minutes. What's going on? Tell me what you know so far"

"So first i was asleep when i felt someone pick me up, i thought it was ranboo, my s/o but then i heard a car door. Ranboo doesnt drive. I was taken to this house of a girl he was i guess friends with and tied to a chair, me and the girl got into a heated argument and she knocked me out. I woke up to ranboo being there and then we were so close to getting out when the girls assistant came. They started a fist fight with ranboo and now hes hurt and its all my fault" I cry out and bring my knees up to my chest.

"Hey hey hey its alright y/n, ranboo is a great guy for helping you. He loves you dearly as i can hear and nothing bad will happen to him. We will make sure of it." I calmed down as i heard the police sirens get louder. "THEYRE HERE THANK YOU SO MUCH" I shout and hang up, running towards the house again. I ran and ran until i was met with the house again. I saw 3 police cars out and the police looked at me. Two officers ran up to me. "Hello are you the caller?" One greeted me. "Yes i am is ranboo going to be okay? Have you found the girl? Whats going on?" I panick, trying to look at the scene over them." They looked at eachother and back at me. Something must have happened to ranboo. "y/n, we have found the girl and the man and arrested them both. But for ranboo, He's seriously hurt He's on his way to the hospital."

My heart shattered into a million pieces. The wave of emotions rushed over me. Anger, Fear, Sadness. "What...Will he be alright?...He will right?" I started to tear up. "Yes im sure he will be fine. Do you want to go see him?" The other officer said. I nod and they take me to the police car. I sit and the back and they drive off to the hospital.





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