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Hers is another update as a sorry for my late update last time. Also, as per the request of my beautiful readers this chapter has Tristian's POV.



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Tristian's POV

My spawn is growing inside of her.

A part of me and her.

I was never the one who wanted family, I loathed the idea of having children because they are nothing but nuisance. I don't hate the child inside Anna's belly but I don't love it either, at least not right now. What I am more worried about is the fact someone else becoming Anna's centre of world.

Only I can be that. Only I can occupy her time, mind, heart and soul. That child is just flesh and blood, many more can be created like it.

"You are a monster" Anna says trembling in my lap as I just told her the consequences if she were to place that child above me.

"Tell me something I don't know baby" I reply inhaling her sweet scent.

"How can you think about killing your own child?!" she yells at me before jumping out of my lap.

For the first time in so many days she screamed at me and it is all because of that kid inside of her.

"Don't test me Anna. It will take me seconds to kill that child inside of you" I threaten her in all sincerity.

Her eyes widen as she starts imagining me doing so and places a protective hand over her stomach. I must admit I am rather happy seeing her like this because now I have some leverage over her.

"Baby, come here" I say offering her my hand but she just stares at it "NOW!" I scream and she instantly gives me her hands and starts sobbing.

"It's okay Anna. I won't harm our child...unless you piss me off real bad" I say kissing her forehead.

My hands travel inside of her shirt touching her soft skin and my dick instantly starts hardening. Anna squirms a little feeling my hardness making me release a groan. Just as I am about to get into it there is a knock on my door.

"What?!" I yell not taking my hands off her Anna.

"Tristian you need to come downstairs. It's urgent" Jacob says and I release a deep sigh.

"Be ready for me baby. I'll be back in a second" I say to Anna who is looking so beautiful with red swollen eyes.

When I get put of the room Jacob is standing outside.

"What is it?" I ask him.

"Natasha is here and she is making a scene" he replies.

This bitch is seriously getting on my nerves. The only reason why I ever tolerated her was because of her father but now she comes to my home and makes a scene. She will be lucky if she goes unharmed out of my property.

"DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" I hear Natasha's shrill voice echoing in the hall.

As soon as I reach the large staircase of the main I hall I notice some of my guards blocking her way towards my wing. Natasha is wearing a very skin tight black satin dress. So, this whore was here to sleep with me.

"I AM THE LADY OF THIS HOUSE!" she yells at my guards who completely ignore her and maintain their positions.

"I WILL HAVE ALL YOU KIL- TRISTIAN HONEY!" she screams in her annoying voice as soon as her eyes land on me.

Tristian's Obsession (18+) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now