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Annabeth's POV

It's been 2 days since my last encounter with Tristian and I am happy that he didn't come to find me.

Who am I kidding?

I really wanted to him to come and see me or maybe a call even if it was just a booty call. I am restless without him. He is all that I ever think about his blue eyes have hijacked my mind and fantasies.

It was usual in college, though sometimes I feel like that someone is watching me but it's always like this in college, guys checking me out, girls calling me bitch behind me back.

Same old.

One thing that is new in my life is Kelly, she is the new girl in my course who started in the middle of the semester but she never leaves my side which is kind of creepy. She is always lurking by my side all the time but I just brush it of thinking it must be because I am her only friend.

"You ready to go Beth?" Kelly asked , we were going to the library after class because she needed some help with her studies.

"Let's go" I said getting my bag.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ 

I was quietly sitting in the corner of the library with Kelly while was copying my notes when Josh came and sat next to me. 

He is the most popular guy in the campus probably the most handsome even though he might come as a bad boy at first but once you get to know him he is actually a good treats everyone with respect. 

"Hey Beth? You look hot today!" he said making me giggle. 

"You don't look bad yourself.", I could see Kelly rolling her eyes, for some reason she gets a little angry or maybe frightened when she sees me talking to some guy.

"So, I was thinking maybe I could take you out to dinner tonight" he asked, I have already denied his offer kindly multiple times but he just keeps on asking.

"Umm... I don't know" I shrugged.

"Oh come on... just one date, it's not like you have a boyfriend" he was right, I have to move on someday and by moving I know I have to move on from Tristian.

I know we have had sex but it does't mean that he is my boyfriend, I am not stupid to belive that a guy like Tristian could ever be with me, I mean girl literally drop on their knees when they see him and he is know to be a cold heart playboy.

"Beth? What do you say?" Josh nudged me

"Dude, she said no. Take the hint and get your pretty face out of here" Kelly snapped.

"Kelly, it's not your place to say" I glared at her. 

Then I turned to face Josh and continued "I would like to go out with you but I have an assignment due in 2 days".

"Yeah then let's go out on Friday?" Josh said with a smile 

"Yeah, works for me" I said.

Maybe going out with Josh isn't such a bad idea I cannot just sit around waiting for Tristian to come and it might help me overcome my teenage crush on him.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜ 

After one more hour after Josh left we were done with our work and I started packing my bag to leave for my apartment when Kelly stopped me. 

"Hey Beth, why don't you come and stay at my place tomorrow, we can work on our thesis paper" she said walking up to me. 

I really don't think I can tolerate her more but we would be able to get our work done fast if we did it together since we had to do it together so I said yes.

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