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Annabeth's POV

I ran into my apartment locking it behind me. My whole body is shaking and the tears would not stop coming out of my eyes. 

I quickly barge into my room and start packing all my stuff, I have to get out of here as soon as possible because as soon as he knows that I know his secret, he would probably kill me too. 

But where am I going to go?

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But where am I going to go?

I cannot go to Jane's place; I don't want to put her or her family in any kind of danger. Maybe I will leave New York. But first I need to get the hell out of here. I pack a small bag with just my essentials.

As soon as I am in the kitchen, I notice that the window is open but I remember very well that it was closed when I got here.

I shiver ran down my spine and I know I am not here alone; I rush to get my keys.

But before I could grab them I stop dead in my tracks after seeing a black hooded figure in the corner. I run the other way into the bathroom and lock the door.

He starts to bang loudly on my door and I am at this rate he will surely bring down the door. I quickly start making my way towards window but before I could jump the hooded man breaks the door and grabs me from behind.

He drags me out of the room as I thrash my legs and hands trying to get free.

He drags me out of the room as I thrash my legs and hands trying to get free

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It's now or never Beth.

With that I grab the lamp nearby quietly and smash it on his head. He shouts in pain and falls on the floor crying and cursing. I quickly grab the keys and start unlocking the lock. 

My hands are shaking so much that I cannot even unlock the door. From the corner of my eye,i see him get up and stand behind me, the keys slip from my hand and loud sobs escape my mouth because I know that now there is nothing that I can do to change my fate.

"You bitch!" he shouts and smashes my head against the wall, I slowly fall down and black dots cover my vision before i loose consciousness. 

Tristian's POV

Annabeth is lying on the bed, the doctor just finished checking her wound.

She looks so peaceful, so innocent and beautiful tied to my bed post, god i just want to fuck her brains out right now but the only problem is that fucking bruise on her face.

She looks so peaceful, so innocent and beautiful tied to my bed post, god i just want to fuck her brains out right now but the only problem is that fucking bruise on her face

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"She will be fine" the doctor interrupted my thoughts and left without saying anything else.

I sit on the bed next to my baby, I stroke her neck will my lips and inhale her intoxicating smell that drives me insane and my cock twitches in agreement.

Jacob my right-hand man enters the room I get up from the bed and make my way towards him.

"Kill that son of a bitch!" I spat. 

"Tristian, he said he just did it because she was about to run" he says trying to calm me down.

If it was anyone else then I would've killed them in a heartbeat for arguing with me but he is my closest friend and would only argue with me when needed. But, when it comes to my sweet Annabeth not even he can change my mind. 

" I. SAID. KILL. HIM" he knows that I am beyond furious, he leaves instantly and I hear 3 gunshots.

I pour myself a glass of whisky and sit on the couch in the corner.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Finally after 2 hours she opens her eyes and she looks around the room confused for some seconds that is until she realises what has actually happened. She tries to get up but her hands are tied to the bed post and she frantically tries to get them off but failing miserably at it.

"It's no use baby" I say chuckling. 

She jolts as her eyes meet mine and fear is clearly visible on her face. Fresh tears start to roll down her cheek but it's no use instead it is just turning me on even more as I imagine tears rolling down her cheek as i choke her with my dick.

I like her pain.

"Pl-please Tristian l-let me go, I-I won't tell an-anyone" she whimpers. 

I slowly get up and starts moving towards her, as shifts on the bed pushing herself further into the bedpost.

"Oh baby, but why would I do that" I say stroking her cheek and her eyes widen from shock.

"Are-are you going to k-kill me?" She asks with her voice shaking making me laugh and her eyes widen even more. 

"I will never let you go Annabeth. YOU.ARE.MINE" I tell her while removing the handcuffs and freeing her hands.

She instantly run towards the door trying to open it but its locked. I stand up and walk indignantly towards her, she quickly turns around and before she could run, I put both my hands on either side of her caging her.

"You are a fucking psychopath, murderer... you kil-killed Josh!" she says while hitting my chest but I don't even flinch, looks like little kitten is angry and cannot help but chuckle.

She looks at me with more anger and then she slaps me.



"Oh, you shouldn't have done that. We are going to have so much fun kitten." 






Stay safe!!!


Tristian's Obsession (18+) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now