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Dedicated to :- pinedayuki_

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Annabeth's POV

I open my eyes slowly but for a second, I am blinded by pure white lights. I am laying in a beautiful green field with small white flowers, wearing a white dress. I slowly get up and there are no bruises on my body, no marks, no cuts, nothing just my glowing skin.

I walk in the field barefoot, wind blowing my hairs and small grass tickling my feet.

"Anna", a sweet call me, I start following the voice and suddenly I am in front of my house the one from my childhood where I use to live with my parents.

I walk into the backyard to see a beautiful woman sitting under the cherry blossom tree, "Mom?", I call out and she looks me in the eye and smiles

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I walk into the backyard to see a beautiful woman sitting under the cherry blossom tree, "Mom?", I call out and she looks me in the eye and smiles.

I run towards her and hug her tightly as tears starts coming out of my eyes. She cups my face with her soft hands and says "Anna, my love. What are you doing here?". 

"I want to be with you mommy, I can't do this anymore" I answer and she gently wipe my tears.

"Oh, Anna. You are so strong honey, I am very proud of you but it's not your time yet."  she whispers kissing my forehead.

"But I want to be with you, I don't want to go back, please I just want to be here with you" I start to cry and she smiles down at me. 

"I am always with you my sweet Anna, right here" she says pointing towards my heart.

She hugs me tightly and whispers in my ear "You have to go back honey, there is so much that you do in life. Remember you have to be strong but you also have to be gentle, loving and caring, no matter what happens you will not stop fighting.", she kisses my forehead as darkness starts to surround us.

"Mommy! please"



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There is nothing but darkness, my eyes feel so heavy and I cannot open my eyes, all I hear is beeping sound.

After a lot of struggle, I open my eyes but I close them instantly due to so much light. I slowly open them see faces of 3 unknown faces hovering over me and talking to me but I cannot hear them at first.

Tristian's Obsession (18+) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now