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"I am coming to get you" Damon says.

"Wh-what?" I ask. Maybe I heard wrong.

"I said I am coming to get you tomorrow" I repeats.

"How?" I whisper making sure to keep my excitement at bay and not let Tristian hear me.

"Leave it all to me. Just be ready by tomorrow midnight" he says.

"But Tristian is still here" I tell him.

"Oh, he won't be. Trust me" he says.

I don't trust him at all but it is the risk I am willing to take. I will die if stay here any longer and now that I am responsible for another innocent life, I have to do all that it takes to survive or I will die trying. This child came in like a blessing in this purgatory.

"Hello?" I hear Damon on the other line.

"Y-yes" I say but before he could reply I hear the bathroom door opening.

I quickly cut the call and hid the phone behind the large flower pot.

I see Tristian coming back inside the room and without even looking for me anywhere else in the room he comes straight to me with dark blue eyes. It is only now that I notice that he is stark naked.

I stumble back a little when he stands right in front of me and licks his lower.

"I am hungry Anna" he says kissing my neck, "Hungry for you" with that he slams his lips on mine.

I stay frozen for a second when his lips furiously move against mine. I grab onto his shoulder and reply to his kiss. Maybe it is the hormones in my body or something else but I find my panties wet underneath the sweat pants. When his teeth graze my lower lip painfully yet seductively, I release a treacherous moan. I could feel Tristian's smirk.

He is quick drop on his knees and starts removing my sweatpants slowly all the while kissing my burning skin.

He is quick drop on his knees and starts removing my sweatpants slowly all the while kissing my burning skin

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His tongue circles around my navel and my sweatpants along with my panties fall on the floor. With his skilled tongue Tristian reaches my dripping pussy.

"Heavenly" Tristian says after sniffing my pussy.

Without warning he starts licking my pussy making me moan out loudly for everyone to hear. I grab unto his hairs tightly to keep my balance but if wasn't for his long fingers gripping my ass I would've fallen down for sure. His tongue circles around my clit in perfect speed and perfect pressure.

At this moment I am not even ashamed of how much body has given in to him.

"Argh!" I moan when I feel his two fingers entering my pussy while his tongue is circling around my clit.

"Cum for me baby" he says before lapping unto my pussy.

Just like under some spell I cum. Hard.

Tristian's Obsession (18+) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now