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I open my eyes slowly after waking up from the deep slumber expecting Tristian beside me but surprisingly, he is not here and I couldn't be happier. 

But something seems to be off because every day Tristian would wake me up with either his bites or the whip. I sigh and lie there for some time inhaling Tristian's scent which is still lingering on the sheets.

I decide to sit up and take a bath but all my efforts are futile and I could barely manage to sit up straight on the bed. After giving my body sometime I wrap the sheets around my body and let my feet touch the cold tiles beneath. Just as I am about to stand up the door open and I know it will be Tristian as fear start to taking over me but then 4 maids walk inside the room.

One of them who seems to be around in her 50's says "Master has send us to help you clean up Ma'am" I look at her with nothing but confusion written all over my face after in the past 7 days it is the first time I have someone else's face apart from Tristian.

She then smiles gently towards me and right on que 2 of the younger maids steps closer to me and gently put their arms around my shoulder to help me get up. I make my way towards the shower with 2 maids supporting me and with each step the pain shoots in my entire body.

After getting into the shower the maids let go of me and start to fill the tub with hot water and one of them says "Ma'am you can freshen up and I will be back in a few minutes to help you bath" she leaves leaving me to take care of my personal things.

Once I am finished and start to brush my teeth 2 maids walk in and fill the bath with all kinds of exotic salts. Taking their hand, I slowly sit the bath letting the warm water soothe my pain while the 2 maids start to clean my entire body gently and frankly speaking, I cannot do it myself do I let them do it.

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After an hour of cleaning my entire body thoroughly I get out of the shower without any help. I make my way into the closet and sit on the comfortable chairs while the maid dries my hairs.

"You hair is very beautiful" the maid says giving me a genuine smile, I cannot help but smile at her and I realize that in the past few months it is the first time that I have genuinely smiled at someone.

After my hairs are dried I wear a pale blue dress and having my breakfast the maids told me that Tristian has asked me to meet him in his office.

To say I am shocked would be an understatement, why would he let me out? Why today?

All my question comes to a halt when I step out of the room the bright lights burning my eyes but refuse to close my eyes as I am afraid this is all just a dream. I see the colours of the beautiful paintings on the wall as though I am seeing them for the first time. For so long the only colour I could see was red.

"Ma'am we are here" the maid interrupts my thoughts and I find myself standing outside the closed gates of Tristian's office and my mind is filled with fear as to what is going to happen next.

The 2 guards outside the office open the gates and I take fearful steps inside and the gates closing behind me leaving me alone with the devil. After some time, I look up to see him sitting on the chairs behind his lavish mahogany table, looking as handsome as ever, his blue orbs piercing through my soul but looks can be deceiving for I know what kind of devil lies behind the skin of angel.

Tristian's Obsession (18+) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now