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Tristian's POV

I wake up with my body wrapped around Anna's. She is still asleep, looking like an angel. My fingers gently travel from her cheek to her soft lips which have now regained their red colour.

"I cannot wait for you to wake up and kiss me with your soft lips", with that I slowly get up from the bed ad leave after kissing her forehead.

I make my way into my room and walk into the shower after discarding my clothes. In the shower my mind goes back to the time when I fucked her so many times in the shower against this wall while she was shouting my name.

Just thinking about it is making my dick twitch, but I have to wait to for sometime to fuck her but all the waiting is worth it. After shower I dress with in my white shirt and denims and walk out my room and into Anna's room where the doctor is already there along with the 2 nurses.

"How is she now?", they all turn to see me.

The doctor then says "Her vitals are normal and she is stable", I nod and sit the end of the bed as they continue to check on her.

After they leave, I quickly grab my laptop and sit on the sofa to check on some deal before she wakes up. I want to be the first person who she sees when she wakes up.

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After half an hour Jacob enters the room and sitting beside me, he asks "When will she wake up?".

I close my laptop and look at him "Anytime now".

"What are you to do with the boy now?", I totally forgot about him, I promised myself that I would kill him as soon as Anna wakes up.

"We can't risk Annabeth seeing him, we don't know how she would react" he says and I glare at him but he has a point. I want to get rid of Jack as soon as possible.

I stand up "Ok, I'll go and kill that fucker but I would have so much fun before I put a bullet in his head" I speak.

I walk towards Anna and kiss her on the forehead and whisper "I'll be back once I am done baby".

I walk inside his cell where he is hanging by chains attached to his hands, I slowly make my way towards him while rolling my sleeves up.

If someone looks at him right now then they won't even realize whether he is alive or dead let alone recognize his face. Seeing his limp body, a smirk forms on my face.

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After 2 hours I am finally done, I didn't put a bullet in his head because I didn't need to, he died with my blows only. I am sure he died a long time before I was finished, I just kept on hitting his dead body until I was satisfied. I grab my camera and click photos of his body as a souvenir like I do with all my victims.

As soon as I make my way out, I ask the guards to dispose off the body. After entering my room, I remove my shirt with is now soaked from his blood and throw it in the trash. After a quick shower and I change into sweats and a T-shirt.

Tristian's Obsession (18+) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now