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Annabeth's POV

7 years later

Here lies,

Tristian Martinez

Husband – Father – Friend

5th June 1987 – 25th August 2013

'Love is my everything'

I look at the tombstone tracing the words with my fingers, it's been seven years since that night when I put a bullet right in his heart. I remember sitting there with his head on my lap until the sun came up. When I finally got the courage to get up, I gave him one final kiss goodbye. But I couldn't just leave him there I called Jacob just telling him to come to the island.

I saw in news after a couple of weeks that both I and Tristian passed away in a boating accident. I don't know why I was also declared dead and why no one came looking for me. I thought they would kill me too and I wasn't exactly hiding properly.

I lost a part of me that day. Yes, I love him. As fucked up as it may sound, the darkest part of me loved Tristian and still does. Maybe it is what they call Stockholm syndrome or something else but I can't tell the reason why I love him. He made me the strong woman that I am today.

I put down the bouquet of fresh white roses in front of his grave. I have been visiting his grave every year on his death anniversary.

"Hey" I whisper sitting down beside the grave leaning my head against the headstone "I hope you are doing okay. Xander is six years old now. I can tell just by looking at him that he will look exactly like you but I will make sure he doesn't become like you. He is the sweetest and most humble kid ever. He started going to the orphanage every Sunday to play with the kids there" I say smiling thinking about my little boy.

"I wanted to tell you something important today," I say looking down at the ring resting on my ring finger "I won't be coming back anymore. I think I am ready to let go. I will always carry a piece of you in my heart and with Xander. One day I will definitely tell him all about you, when he is big enough to decipher all that, in hopes that he will never do those things" I reply kneeling in front of the tombstone.

"Goodbye" I whisper kissing his name on the stone and leaving the cemetery.

It is not easy to let go of things whether they are good or bad. Today I decided to finally forgive him and let him go. I didn't forgive him because of him but because of me and my son. It is not easy to carry this much anger in yourself, it doesn't do any good to you. Taking a deep breath, I get inside the car and start my three-hour drive back home.

⚜ ⚜ ⚜

Finally, I arrive back home.

Home is my two-story modern-day house in a suburban area. When I get inside, I expected a loud voice to greet me but the silence tells me that no one is home. I see the note says 'Soccer practice. Will be back by 12'. I put the note back down and was about to change when I hear the doorbell.

"I thought you guys were-" I say but stop when I realize it is not who I think it was.

My breath freezes like my entire body and for a second, I don't believe my eyes. How can he be here?

"Jacob?" I ask not believing my eyes.

"It's nice to see you again Annabeth" he says making me realize that it isn't my imagination. He is really here, in front of me after all these years.

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