Your gonna go far kid

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This was a great suggestion from alexdyar2231 . Really hope you like it. Oh and warning there is light swearing from the song.

3rd person POV
Mari was at a dance club it was her 18th birthday after all. But she got to spend it alone.

Show me how to lie, you're getting better all the time
And turning all against the one is an art that's hard to teach

After Lila showed up the class got distant. They always said they were busy with something important, mari believed them. One day she saw them all hanging out without her and she grew cold. Being turned against by everyone except for Chloe who was also shunned.

Another clever word sets off an unsuspecting herd
And as you step back into line, a mob jumps to their feet

She never actually heard the rumors spread about her. They set the whole class to hatred though, that much she did know. They wanted to make sure she never had a perfect moment again.

Now dance, fucker, dance, man, he never had a chance
And no one even knew it was really only you

Dance, now that was something that freed her. She had two secrets not including ladybug, she loved to dance and was really good at it and she was very gay. There were rumors of a gay person at the school but no one knew it was really her she faked liking Adrien to make sure they never found out it was her.

And now you steal away
Take him out today
Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid

No one knew but one person, Chloe. She knew because they had kissed once, they had liked eachother. But chloes mom was very homophobic, and all Chloe ever wanted was for her mom to like her. So she started to bully mari for it, no one but Marinette knew what was going on.

With a thousand lies and a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes

While they betrayed her they never knew she was lying to there faces, hiding who she really was and they never knew. But one day she decided she didn't care anymore. She grew her hair out a bit more and wore more clothes she liked not just the same outfit she used to. To say they were shocked was an understatement.

When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

She grew numb to there empty insults and threats. She just glared at them and they walked away scared. She was finally who she wanted to be, and you could see the bolts of determination In her eyes. As the rest of the class walked away in fear.

Slowly out of line, and drifting closer in your sight
So play it out, I'm wide awake, it's a scene about me

She was free from the line of perfection everyone always held her too. She drifted with her friends rose and Julika who had moved classes, they changed together and they were finally themselves. One day she walked into class to find Lila re telling a so called story from mari bullying her. But she didn't care, she was wide awake she saw the truth about her class. She let them play it out and believe the stupid lies.

There's something in your way and now someone is gonna pay
And if you can't get what you want, well, it's all because of me

Alya wouldn't leave mari alone, especially when Lila was near. She even tried to stop her from getting to job interviews. Turns out it was Lila again telling her to not let her get a job. Oh now she was gonna pay. She left the class and they didn't know so they couldn't bully her anymore. Lila got less attention now that no one was "bullying her".

Now dance, fucker, dance, man, I never had a chance
And no one even knew, it was really only you

Mari had reached the center of the dance floor, and danced. She freed her heart and body. She danced to her favorite song like she never danced before. A familiar blonde in the crowd watching in wonder.

And now you'll lead the way
Show the light of day

Mari was running out of school with her two best friends, rose and julika toward the park into the sunlight. As she smiled brighter than the sun.

Nice work you did
You're gonna go far, kid

Mari worked harder than anyone else, got great grades, and was confidant. She was herself, and has gone far. She's gonna go even farther, till she reached the sky.

Trust deceived
With a thousand lies and a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes

Lila had been found out not long after mari had left. The class had shattered and wouldn't trust anyone again. She was found out because of her photoshopped pictures. They never saw it coming and when they saw Marinette it was a hit right to the face.

When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

They had tried to apologize but she just ignored them and moved on. They kept trying till one day they went to far. She blew up telling them everything they had done and how she could never forgive there sorry asses. They sprinted away out of fear. She huffed and went to meet her girlfriend and tell her about there idiocy.

Now dance, fucker, dance, he never had a chance
And no one even knew, it was really only you

Adrien was walking toward the beautiful blubbery haired girl. When an all to familier person came into view, Chloe bergios. When they hugged it was a surprise and when they smiled at each-other he was frozen with curiosity.

So dance, fucker, dance, I never had a chance
It was really only you

Chloe and Marinette danced together in sync and very close. Adrien nearly fainted when they kissed and held hands. He sadly chuckled to himself and said "I never had a chance did I?" Though it wasn't exactly a question. It had always been Chloe hadn't it.

With a thousand lies and a good disguise
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes

All those years hiding parts of her had finally been undone. She was out of her disguise and they never knew.

When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

Mari didn't care, she had moved on with the people who mattered. She was happy where she was with her friends, with Chloe, with herself.

Clever alibis, Lord of the Flies
Hit 'em right between the eyes
Hit 'em right between the eyes

After Lila had been found out, it was like lord of the flys, chaos had ensued on those trying to use the last of there lies to stay afloat.

When you walk away, nothing more to say
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

She walked toward  the light, the future, her home. She had nothing left to say and the silence was perfect.

song fic's miraculous salt (suggestions always open) cover by @tanjanetteWhere stories live. Discover now