Open up your eyes

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I loved this scene so much! This is a suggestion from the wonderful alexdyar2231

(Btw « =Mari singing)

Chloe POV

It has been a few days scence mari had been betrayed by her closest "friends". I had decided to give her a visit and tell her what my mom told me. Mrs. Dupain cheng let me in and I walked up to her room, I heard her light crying and my heart broke. But I set out here for a reason and I need to open maris eyes to this crule world. I started to sing.

"It's time you learned a lesson
It's time that you understand
Don't ever count on anybody else
In this or any other land"

My mother's voice rang through my head as I recalled when she sang this to me. Mari looked up and put her head back as soon as she saw it was me.

"I once hoped for friendship
To find a place among my kind
But those were the childish wishes
Of someone who was blind"

I grabbed her chin and made her look at me. These words that hurt me so long ago will help mari not feel the pain I had to. These words were told to me a long time ago but it still hurts the same.

"Open up your eyes"

I recal that day, I was on a playground with my friends. We were talking about people we liked. I mentioned I liked a girl, and my friends betrayed me. They never talked to me and talked behind my back, so I went home crying. I opened my eyes.

"See the world from were I stand
Me among the mighty"

My mother was back from one of her long trips.  She heard what happened, and sung this song. I soon turned cold. Not daring to trust again, after all who would even want to be my friend.

"You caged at my command
Open up your eyes"

I used my fathers position to my advantage. My old friends would pay and no one would hurt me again.

"Give up your sweet fantasyland
It's time to grow up and get wise"

I was finally brought back to the present from my thoughts. I felt the warm tears stream down my cold cheeks. I felt someone walk up to me and wipe them off my face.

« Come now little one
Open up your eyes »

Those words never came from my lips, it was mari who sang those words. She was singing this song to me. I retaliated by continuing my mother's song.

"We all start out the same
With simple naïve trust"

I had to make her see, this world was to crule to rely on others. Yet she persisted with the song of her own.

« Shielded from the many ways
That life's not fair or just »

At least that part was true.

« But then there comes a moment
A simple truth that you must face »

Does she finally understand the point I'm trying to make?

"If you depend on others
You'll never find your place"

I continued the song, I had found my place in the lonely ness. I depended on no one.

« And as you take that first step
Upon a path that's all your own »

You feel so alone, is what I wanted to say to mari. But my mouth continued the song.

"You see it all so clearly
The best way to survive is all alone"


« Open up your eyes
And see the world from where I stand »

I have Marinette, but I won't stand there again.

"Me among the mighty
You caged at my command"

My thoughts betray the words I sing, and my heart beats fast at the words mari sings.

« Open up your eyes
And behold the fading light «

Mari touched my cheek and smiled sadly while singing.

"It's time to grow up and get wise
Come now little one"

A blush rose to my cheeks as I finished her sentence In my song.

« Open up your eyes »

Now I finally understand.

"Open up your eyes"

And see your not alone. Mari grabbed my hand and hugged me.
"It's ok Chloe, you don't have to be alone anymore."
"Thank you mari" I hugged her tightly.
"Do you want to come to andres with me and my friends?"
"Uh no, there bully's don't tell me you forgave them."
"No silly, not those idiots. My real friends."
"Fine but i don't promise I'll get along with them." Mari giggled and pulled me out of her house.

3rd person POV

The light was shining on the love lock bridge where Andre was tonight. The girls saw rose and Julika sharing a cone, Adrien, and some blue tipped haired guy sitting by him. Once they saw mari they waved, she dragged Chloe over to them.
" guys you know Chloe, oh and Chloe this is luka." She said while gesturing to the blue tipped hair guy. Chloe sheepishly waved. The group smiled and welcomed her with open arms. They chatted for a while, then Chloe noticed that Adrien and Luka were holding hands. She smiled, she had a feeling. Finally Mari and Chloe got ice cream, they looked at each-others ice cream and realized it was each-others. They smiled and traded them in for there very own couple cone. They sat down away from everyone else. "Would you be my girlfriend?" Mari voiced. Chloe smiled and kissed her cheek. They blushed and watched the sunset.

Chloe set out to Mari's house with a mission, but instead she gained life long friends, and got with the love of her life. She had finally opened up her eyes.

Omg, I am such an idiot. I thought I posted this like three days ago and I didn't press the button. I am so sorry. Oh and sorry to alexdyar2231 this wasn't quite what you requested but I wanted to focus more on the relationship than the class salt. But I do hope you liked it. Sorry again for not posting it.

song fic's miraculous salt (suggestions always open) cover by @tanjanetteWhere stories live. Discover now