Dont ask me

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Hi like I said in my last update I'm trying to update more but it will be hard when I get a job along with school. Anyway I have seen a few of these sort of one shot I thought hey this song works so it is very salty but I hope you enjoy.

A sea of black gathered by a stone grave with the words Marinette scrabbled into the gray rock. Putles of tears pooled In the grass below. In the empty silence a small squeak rattled out as a small screen brought to life by a small click.

A happy face full of tears appeared waving at the camera. "Hi everyone." There was a small shaking as her voice rung out. "This is a song I have been working out for a while, it shows just how done I am with it all. I don't even care about lilas lies anymore I just wanted to tell you how I feel. Anyway here is Dont ask me." Her face hardened as she strummed  her guitar. The gests had to cover there ears because of the loud fast paced strumming that soon followed.

"Quit acting so friendly.
Don't nod don't laugh all nicely."

The small group filled with guilty faces knew what she meant. They pretend to be nice to her every day because they wanted free things of favors from her. 

"Don't think you'll up-end me.
Don't sigh, don't sip your iced-tea."

They just scoffed at all of her problems or when she asked them for help.

"And don't say, "It's been a while..."
And don't flash that stupid smile. "

She had left the class to go to another school, and they wouldn't admit it but they needed her to get things done. Some days they would visit and say it's been a while and try to get her to help.

"Don't ask me how I've been."

Anytime they had seen her outside school she avoided them like the plague.

"Don't think I've forgotten,
You never liked that necklace."

For there birthdays she got them gifts. One day she walked in Alya saying how stupid the necklace she got her was. It was a friendship necklace that was the day she moved schools.

"So cordial, so rotten...
Kiss, kiss, let's meet for breakfast."

They had tried several times to "apologize" and bring her to breakfast, they were going to make her pay for the food though. Luckily for her she never went.

"Don't show up so on-time
And don't act like you're so kind"

For this line several people could have been being spoken to. Lila, Adrian, Alya, basically the whole class actually.

"Don't ask me how I've been."

They rarely had seen her anymore.

"Don't sit there and play just
So frank, so straight, so candid,
So thoughtful, so gracious,
So sound, so even-handed."

Before she had left there school they blamed everything on mari. They sounded so sure, so truthful, and calm when they lied about Marinette and got her detention.

"Don't be so damn benign
And don't waste my fucking time."

She couldn't tell the classmates trying to harm her from the ones trying to help anymore.

"Don't ask me how I've been.
Ask me, ask me how I've been"

And now they really couldn't. She had been killed by a drunk driving heading back from school.

"Don't ask, hey"

She almost was looking at Adrian.

"Don't ask, hey"


"Don't ask, hey"


"Don't, don't, don't ask me"

Ivan. myéline.

"Don't, don't, don't ask me"

Kim. Max.

"Don't, don't, don't ask me"

Rose. Nathanial.

"Don't, don't, don't!"

She screamed out almost as in pain.

"Don't ask me, don't ask me, don't ask me"

She looked sadly. It was as if she was looking at jagged stone.

"Don't ask me, don't ask me, don't ask me"

Her parents.

"Ask me, ask me how I've been."

And the screen went blank

song fic's miraculous salt (suggestions always open) cover by @tanjanetteWhere stories live. Discover now