chapter 13

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That Afternoon~

"Rainbowdash Always dresses in style! Blah, that's all she was ever on about when she was younger..."

Firefly and Applejack sat at the kitchen table, with glasses of non alcoholic cider fizzing in their hooves.

Rainbow stood behind AJ, maybe too embarrassed to even sit down with her mother.

"Mum...seriously, quit it." She facehoofed herself.

"Woah, It seems Dash has changed alot since then...The last time she wore a dress was at our wedding, and that was a long while ago." AJ explained, recalling the memory in her head.

"Oh! And she had this Pink scalf and giant hat that-"

The turn of the doorknob stopped her before Dash did, when the door fully opened, RainbowJaqcuelin was standing there.

"Hey Sugarcube!" Applejack stood up and hugged her foal. "We have a surprise for you..."

"Really?" Her already glowing smile, flashed more with the news.

The parents shifted to the side and RJ's eyes locked onto the stranger. "Who is she?" She whispered a little.

"I'm your...Grandmother! God, I feel old." Firefly answered, letting the filly run up to her for a hug.

"This just made my day 20% cooler!"

"Hey! Thats my line, Jackie!" Rainbow chuckled, half seriously.

"Your smile was pretty wildly huge when you walked in, I am guessing you had a good day?" Applejack assumed, but inside she hoped desperately. She hoped to death that everything was going to become brighter for her had too.

The freckled filly was so unbelievably happy, she sunk to the floor with a sigh.

" started when..."


"FINE! IF I GO FIND APPLEJACK, BRING HER HERE, THEN WILL YOU COME OUT?! YOU HAVE BEEN LOCKED IN YOUR ROOM FOR DAYS RARITY!" Singsia screamed, unusually. She was more the quiet type, but she was getting worried about her lover.

"Yes!" Rarity begged, a little overdramaticly.

The popstar rolled her eyes again, and half-stormed out of the boutique. She wanted more then anything for Rarity to stop, and be her usual self. Someone had to apologize for it all, that someone...








"Pink-wait, a donkey?!"

The party planner was energeticly bouncing around the room, a surge of happiness filled her body as she jumped about.


Pinkie lifted her pet alligator off the floor. "Gummy! Did you know, your going to be an aunty-I mean, UNCLE!" She nuzzled him, to which he responded by biting onto her muzzle, harmlessly.

Pink smile sat, on a comfy couch across the room, but she shook her head grinning at her anxious wife.


"I think it would just be best, I'm sorry Lily...I don't have the same feelings for you, I guess." Fluttershy whispered, seeming to regret the words that swam out of her mouth so emotionally then.

Lily shook, the purple eyed unicorn couldn't seem to form any words. She just stared at Fluttershy, absolutely gutted.

A few minutes of silence dragged on, before the grey coated mare excepted the situation. "Oh...Well, I guess..."

How do you end that sentence? Harshly? Nicely? She hated to impose and was a lot like Flutters in a way, kind. But the hurt was slowly developing into anger, confusion.

Why was this happening?

Who would it effect more?

What did I do wrong?

When will she move on?

Where will I go now?

How long before I can see her again?

Are we still friends?

All these questions floated inside her head as she shut the door to Fluttershys, small cosy, home.

She felt tears jerk, wanting to be freed, but Lily didn't allow it. She kept strong as she drew further, and further away from her Ex-marefriend's house.



Sorry for the wait, ugh.


Please don't kill me okay.


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