Chapter 16

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Spitfire looked into Cloudspark's room. The young Filly was asleep soundly in her bed, letting out a little murmur every now and then.


She lashed around and pinned him against a near wall.

"We. Need. To. Talk."

Soarin was confused at the deep glare that she engraved into him, later dragging him to a more private part of the house.

"I need to say something as well." The stallion breathed. "You go first though..."

She swept a hoof over her naturally styled mane. "Cloudspark is growing up in the wrong way! She's not the young mare I want her to be! I want her to help ponies, like how we used to..."

Since Cloudspark's birth, both Soarin and Spitfire had to retire from the Wonderbolts. Leaving fleetfoot to become the leader, Thunderlane and Cloudchaser as the two others.

"Spit, listen." He flapped his light blue wings and glided close to her. "I'll train her, it will be fine-"


She hushed herself, for fear of waking their daughter.

"I should leave."


"IM DIVORCING YOU, IDIOT!" She hushed herself again. "I need to change this, by myself.

Angrily, he stormed out the door and prepared to fly to the boutique.

(Omg its been a while)

You know those moments when you know something bad is about to happen, and you want to stop it, but you can't?

I could bearly make out Momma's conversation with Fluttershy anymore until...

"I LOVE YOU RAINBOW! Y-you already knew that and I tried to get over you by dating Lily, and that didn't work!" I heard Fluttershy scream, and I could feel my heart burn with fear and anger.

Why was she doing this?

The stress was building again, I tried to think of something else but her yell never stopped ringing in my mind. I felt like marching down there and kicking her out, but I didn't.

I want to run.


I NEED to run.


Suddenly, my bedroom door opened. Quickly, I dove under the covers and made a fake, soft snore every now and then. The pony shook me 'awake.'

It was Grandma, and I couldn't lie to her. I told her that I was scared and needed somepony to talk to...and she listened.

She listened to my story. MY actual story. How I was bullied by cloudspark, how I have a dead twin sister, how I'm a fantastic long-distance runner, how I want to be friends with this unicorn about my age.

Harmony Heartstrings. Just her name alone was perfect, yet the beauty of the filly herself seemed even more then that. Being her friend would be so remarkable.

"What's going on downstairs?" I finally worked up the courage to ask, hearing shouting through my stories.

Firefly hesitated and bit her lip. "Nothing you need to worry about."

3rd person~

Downstairs, Fluttershy had started sobbing. "All these feelings! I-I don't know what to do and I'm so conf-used!"

Rainbow paced in front of the depressed filly, angry. "What the actual-"

"I'm sorry!"

"Sorry won't do it! Don't you see?!" The blue pegasus opened a jewelry box and shoved it in the meek mare's face. "I'm MARRIED to Applejack!"

Fluttershy just sobbed louder. She was a wreck in the doorway, mane untamed and heart shattered.

Applejack had been glaring at Fluttershy silently the whole time. How dare she, come into the household which already has enough tension, and create more?!

Walking down the steps to the kitchen the next morning was one of the hardest things RJ had to do. Not because she was exhausted from the lack of sleep, but because her Mommy, Momma and Grandma sat at the table looking tired and sick.

Applejack perked up, smiling a little. "Mornin' my darling, you had a good dream?"

The only dream RJ had was to punch Fluttershy's head into the ground, after all the trouble she caused. Instead, she ignored her family, breakfast and headed straight for school...

"God dammit, you scared me!" Harmony squeaked as RJ rushed out the door. She found herself again, instantly apologizing.

"Rough night?" The unicorn filly asked.

The other filly didn't answer. "We are friends right?" RJ asked.

Harmony furrowed her brow. "Of course!" She then looked her over. "Jacquelin. Do you have any snacks for recess?"

The earth filly looked herself over and facehoofed. "Ah am not going back there, my family is a mess!"

After a hug, the unicorn smiled. "Don't worry, we can get you something from sugarcube corner. I'm sure we will have enough time."


Its been a while since I updated, I'm sorry. But stuff has been happening and real life is just a pain in the neck.

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