Chapter 9

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The waitress smiled down on all of them, not directly looking at anypony in particular.

But, One purple princess had her eye on her. The waitress had a clean white coat, and a long, wavy golden blonde mane. Her eyes were a dull, grey colour, which kinda distracted the group. (Hey! Kinda like Annabeth Chase as a pony!)

Twilight, couldn't help but stare at them though, they just screamed one word.


Looking over at the rest of the group, she knew they were thinking the exact same thing. The waitress was really pretty, she had admitted, Twilight also thought it was such a shame that's she couldn't see it.

"Well?" The angel of a mare, looked around the table with a stunning grin drifting from her cute muzzle.

Applejack was the first to speak up. "Just some water for all of us should be fine..." Looking around at her friends to see if there were any objections to her request.

"...all 10 of us." The earthpony added, just in case.

The mare make jotted something down on her notepad. "Any appetizers?"


All the other ponies in the restaurant quietened. Pinkie nervously fell back into her seat. "Oops." She giggled whispering.

Not once did that smile of hers leave her face, as she skated away, holding her notepad.

"Who...was that?" Rarity gushed. "She looked far to refined to be an earthpony, and she must have come from some rich superstar family in Manhattan!"

"Too refined ta be an Earthpony?!" Applejack glared at the fashionista from across the table. "ARE YA IMPLYING SOMETHING HERE?!"

Rainbowdash held her back, while Rarity cleared her throat. "Ah hem, no offense."

The orange pony gritted her teeth. It wasn't actually 'none taken.' But she kept it to herself. Fluttershy took hold of the situation. "She seemed nice..."

"Did anypony notice her eyes?" Twilight asked, still wondering.

Everyone nodded. "Why yes darling," Rarity said, frowning. "They were an ugly grey colour! Something so bland and boring, should never be on a face like that!"

Once again, AppleJack's temperature rised. "That's so like yah! Judging people on the outside before you get to know them properly!"

Rarity widened her eyes, disgusted. "How dare you accuse me for such a thing!"

"Well that's exactly what you do!"

"AJ, RARITY, STOP!" Rainbow yelled, a little too loudly. "This is supposed to be a happy meal, can't you too just get along for a few hours?! Your contrast is driving everypony crazy!"

She regretted it as soon as she said it.

Applejack stared at her, looking a little heartbroken. Rarity huffed, turning away so she didn't face anypony.

"I'm sorry, they don't usually act like this." Fluttershy whispered to Lily. Pink Smile grabbed RJ's tiny hoof and declared;

"Were going to the restroom for a moment, we'll be back." After they both left, Rarity got off from her chair.

"Sorry to leave so early PinkiePie darling, I wish you well, I really do, but I must get going..." She angrily strutted out the door, only to be drenched by the pouring rain.

The sky, that was once gleaming with happiness had turned into a dark blanket of sorrow. The rain was light, but was sure to get heavier as time went on.

This was the one time she didn't care, she was moody and pissed off beyond belief. The unicorn just wanted to get home, perfect hair or no.

"I swear, whoever made it rain today is going to get it tomorrow." Rarity said through gritted teeth.

Back at the restaurant, Rainbow fell guilty under Applejack's gaze. "I'm sorry I snapped, but I wanted you to stop."

AJ bit her lip, but didn't say anything.


"Don't worry RJ, I'll be out in a minute." Pink Smile promised, leaving RJ at the entrance. She leaned against the wall, scared of what the adults were doing right now. She paused her thoughts as something warm and gentle touched her.

A shy looking filly, with a very light yellow coat and a curly pink mane with white streaks stood before her. RainbowJacquelin stared at her for a while.

"Can, I please get through?" Her voice was sweet, she also had an accent RJ couldn't quite place. Her bright green eyes shifted off the teal ones in front of her, as she scooted out of the way.

"Go ahead..." Smiling, the young unicorn walked through.


They didnt even stay for a meal. The family of three made their way home. What seemed like a glorious sunny day, had turned into a wet disaster.

"Ah can't imagine how Pinkie feels..." AppleJack started, bringing up a little small talk.

" probably shouldn't have said those things to Rarity though." Rainbow defended.

"Ahem not starting this again, I'm cold and tired, kinda hungry and just wanna go home."

While her parents argued, RJ's thoughts were focused around one thing. Why haven't she seen the filly before? When did she get at the restaurant? It bugged her.

It bugged her way to much.



Just to let you know, those weren't new OC's. They are important...

This chapter really sucks, I feel bad of the quality that I publish. I want to make everyone happy. So, I wrote something.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Bye!

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