Chapter 18

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Bon Bon's eyes widened, her ears perked up and the sound of her door opening was heard, followed by tiny coughs.

Her tiny, unicorn daughter walked up to her and smiled weakly, and Bon Bon was off the couch and by her side in an instant.

"Harmony, Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm just sick, I think."

The mother extended a bright yellow hoof to her daughter's forehead, feeling for abnormal heat.

The Candy store opened at noon, so BonBon had a few hours to spare. She really didn't expect her to be home so soon.

She retracted her hoof and looked down at her daughter. "You're only warm..."

Harmony closed her eyes in pain, looking down. "My chest hurts too, Mum."

"That's, probably just um...growing pains and a small cough, its should be over before you know it!"

Bon Bon did her best to sound cheerful, but her heart ached for her daughter. Finally, She told her to go and rest in her room and wrote a note to the school...









The classroom fell silent.

"CloudSpark?" Cheerilee repeated, looking up from her class roll this time and around at all the fillies sitting at their desks. When the teacher still didn't get an answer, she moved on.

"Harmony Heartstrings?"

"Away." RJ muttered to her teacher, leaning her head onto her hoof. Without her best friend, it was just another boring day at school.

Out of no where, the classroom door bursted open, and in walked in a filly. A smirk wet on her lips. RJ turned her attention to the door, groaning.

"Why does she haunt me like this?" She mumbled.

"Take a seat cloudspark."

The very light blue pegasus pushed back her mane a little before popping in the vacant seat next to RJ.

"Who paid you?"

"Excuse me?" CloudSpark spat, whispering.

"To sit next to me. Let's face it, you hate me and I hate you."

The pegasus' grin never dropped, as she pulled into her sattle bag and opened a book to hide their conversation.

"Look, no one paid me. You looked lonely, I thought you needed some pony..."

"Ya aren't serious or nothing! I honestly can't believe you even care!"

"Ugh, don't over do it alright. I was an asshole, I admit it okay?"

Jackie began to bite her lip at the swear and the situation. Cloud was always the mean girl, and now she was trying to be nice? Ha. What a laugh.

"I really do not believe ya."

"Good." The grinning filly expanded when seeing RJ's expression. "Because If you believed me, I'd have nothing to prove."


Fluttershy finished brushing her mane and flew gracefully over to the door. She wasn't expecting any pony today, so she was suprised.


Said unicorn was standing at the door, a smile beaming on her face. She giggled in the happiest way as she pushed past Fluttershy, entering the cottage.

"Morning Darling." She rushed. "I have a question to ask."

Fluttershy smiled small. "Um...sure?"

"How much do you love Rainbowdash?" Rarity's eyebrow raised at Fluttershy's instant blush.

The meek mare shuddered, thrilled with the asked question. Sweat began to bleed down her face that was more of a cherry red then bright yellow.

"Too much..." She breathed. Her ears flopping backward.

A smug look became present on Raritys features. "That's good. I have a plan that can help you get what you want..."

She took a few steps forward, to Fluttershy wobbling backward in rejection to her. "I've done enough," She said. "to Applejack and Rainbowdash. For celestia's sake, they are married and have a damn foal!"

"Sweetheart." The fashion obsessed diva soothed. "Divorce is an option..."

"No..." Fluttershy tightened her eyes.

"Just think of the pain and anger Rainbowdash will feel when Applejack ends the relationship..."

"STOP!" The pegasus begged.

She didn't. She only pressed harder.

"Mrs Fluttershy Dash." The warm words flowing into her ear. "And three beautiful children..."

"RARITY!" The offer sounded splended but she couldn't do it.

"Think of how UNWORTHY Applejack is of Rainbow's love! What a waste!"

At that sentence she cracked. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO RARITY!"

Fluttershy pushed off her and wiped the waterfall of flowing tears, whimpering a little. "I love Rainbowdash, but...When you love some pony, you have to let them go."

Silence filled the air. It made sense, why stop true love and happiness? They were her friends, and she was greedily pulling them apart.

What Fluttershy didn't notice, was the red fading out of Rarity's eyes, returning to their natural colour.

"Y-you're right dear."




I have tests next week, so stressed.

Wish me luck!


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