Chapter 7

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"Hey rarity." Singsia Stood in front of her, eyes shining brightly. She held a squarish object in her hooves.

"Its been, FOREVER!"

"Yes, Its felt that way! Oh, and I've got you these."

Rarity took the box and opened it, inside where chocolates of different shapes and each inside was a different yummy taste.

She smiled wide as her heart warmed. She looked up at her crush and just wanted to kiss her, right there, but she couldn't.

"Do you like it?" The popstar nervously adjusted her glasses again, as if it was a signature of hers.

"My goodness! Why, thank you ever so much darling, no one has done anything like this for me before!"

The unicorn had kind of lied, she had been given something similar, but that was from spike, anything from him she shrugged off blindly.

Rarity stared at Singsia, while she blushed. A mare with such talent was standing, in front of her, at her front door.

"So...Erm, I was wondering, maybe we could...hang out, sometime?" The pegasus dug at the tiles, again nervous.

The fashionista couldn't believe her ears. It was just too much for her to handle.

"OF COU-um. I mean, of course!"


"SPIDERWHICK! Gez, we are going to be late!"

"Come on babe, what's the rush?" The changeling smirked at the thought of her playfully getting under twilight's skin.

"The RUSH is that if we don't make it by the desired time, then we will be TARDY! And if we are late, it won't be a breakfast, it will be a Lunch! And if its a LUNCH then they would have left or maybe they won't want to invite us to another get together EVER AGAIN!"

Spiderwick, stood back amazed as Twilight caught her breath.

"That's...why...we have to...hurry." The alicorn mare ran over her scars with her hoof tiredly.

She just smiled and kissed her girlfriend passionately. In a second, Twilight had pushed her off.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME? I DO NEED TO BEATHE Y'KNOW?" Frustrated, the bookworm screeched.

"Haha, oops, I forgot." Giving off a small wink, she pulled the princess out the door.


"I HOOPEE THEEYYY COOMEEE SOOON!!! UGH! I can't wait any longer for those fillys, I need to get it out in the open already!" Pinkie complained to her wife in front of the restaurant.

"Sweetie, Just be patient. You WILL need to learn that if we are going to have a-"

PinkSmile was cut of by some pony tugging at her leg. She smiled, naturally and looked down to see a set of gorgeous hues staring up to her.

"Oh Hello Rain-"

"APPLEJACK! RAINBOWDASH! RAINBOWDASHANDAPPLEJACKCOMBINEDJUNIOR!" The Pink Party Pony engulfed the trio in a group hug, then looked back at PinkSmile.

RJ let out a small huff. "Its like ya can never remember my name!"

The adults giggled at her. Not long after, Fluttershy, Lilly Blossom, Rarity had arrived.

"Alright! That's everpony! Come on, its time to go inside!" Pinkie Pie basically dragged the seven of them inside, quickly checking in and gliding to a table, dodging the waiter pony's, at the far corner of the restaurant.

As the bunch flipped through their menu's, Rarity noticed something.

"Is it just me, or does it feel like we are missing sompony?" She tossed the idea in her head, staring at the two, reserved, empty chairs.





Well, Merry Christmas! Have a chapter!

More AppleDash and TwiWhick to come.


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