Chapter 19

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That day seemed to drag along for every single pony. Everyone had something to do, some more important then others.


The mare with child smiled, the bags under her eyes clear, as she wobbled to keep up with her wife's bouncing.

"Yes, I am excited dear. It just makes it for us when we know what it is."

"Fluttershy, its coming back to me..." Rarity held her head in pain, as her friend rubbed her back in comfort.

"Take all the time you need Rarity, It doesn't bug me." The pegasus insisted, smiling.

Rarity pushed away from Fluttershy and began pacing. "Oh but darling it bugs me!"

Angel hopped to Fluttershy, and she started stroking his back fur, watching the unicorn.

"AH HA!" The diva exclaimed. "Soarin, he-he but some spell on me!"

"Um, Rar-"

"That son of a mule! When I find him, he's toast!"


"But why?!"


Suddenly, aqua eyes locked with dark blue, as yellow hooves touched soft white shoulders.

"Soarin isn't a unicorn." She whispered. "Are you sure?"

Rarity nodded, a little anger increased in her expression. The frustration of being tricked into doing such a hurtful thing to such a close friend. She wanted to know from Soarin himself, why.

She grabbed Fluttershy's hoof in a sudden flurry, gaining strength from her curiosity.

"Let's go dear!"

A slight click from the closing of the front door was enough to draw BonBon from out of her room to greet her wife.

Lyra wrapped her hooves around BonBon and pulled her close, into a hug.

"How is she?" The mint pony dropped the saddle bags she was carrying and displayed full attention to the mare in front of her.

"Getting worse by the minute." The earth mare sighed, I tinge of pain shooting through her gaze. "I don't think its the common cold Lyra."

Lyra opened her mouth to speak, but BonBon quickly cut in, correctly answering a question she knew was going to be asked eventually. "Yes, I did give her all types of medical attention, but Harmony can't even move to go see the town doctor..."

Liquid started to rise in BonBon's eyes, which she hoped her wife wouldn't be able to see.

She did.

"I'm just scared Lyra, I haven't seen her like this before, its our baby and I feel so...helpless."

The unicorn said nothing, just pulling her lover into a cuddling position in the middle of the floor, stoking her back gently.

"Its okay Bonnie, She'll be okay, Harmony's strong, it will be gone in no time."

The hospital room was bland, the artificial light was the same throughout the whole hospital. The only thing that kept PinkSmiles sanity was the warmth of Pinkiepie.

She was holding her hoof as the nurse used an ultrasound machine on her expanded abdomen.

The nurse span around to face the egar couple, smiling a full set of white teeth.

"Congratulations! Your having a healthy Baby Boy!"

AH Hai guys!!

Its been a while, but I finished all My exams!

But then I had 2 weeks writers block!

And then it was my Birthday!!

And then I procrastinated a little.

Sorry about that! This chapters a little short but I guess that's because I was vv unorganized with this one so.

Bai until next time!

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