Chapter 11

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Walking through those school gates wasn't easy on her, she never once looked anypony in the eye. RainbowJacquelin was trying to find solitude in an open area of colts and fillies.

She spotted a tree that seemed far enough to be alone, but close enough that she could hear the bell for class. The earthpony took a seat under it, gratefully taking in the shade that it gave.

"Oh look who it is!" A familiar voice snarled. The coat of the pony was a way lighter blue then RJ's and evil seemed to radiate off her orange eyes. These features belonged to a pony who she hoped to get out of her mind for ages.

"CloudSpark, leave me alone." RJ hissed, not wanting to start anything.

"Awe, what are you gonna do? Go and cry to you're mother's! My daddy says, that you're MOMMA is NOT GOOD ENOUGH for the wonder bolts! She never made it in because she is a horrible flyer and that not everyone gets their dreams!" The bully spat, adding a smirk at the end.

The victim scrunched her eyes closed and folded her ears, keeping her frustration inside of her.

CloudSpark stepped closer, in an attempt to overshadow her. "You're pathetic and weak. You're not even real, you were born from a spell-"

Before she could continue bashing RJ with hurtful comments, a mysterious force levitated her into the air. Soarin's daughter had no control over it.


Upon hearing the aching screams of her enemy, the freckled filly looked up and noticed CloudSpark hanging above the ground, in what seemed like a layer of magic. Teal coloured magic, to be precise.

The Teal-ish glow held her there, in the air for a mintue, capturing every pony's eye. After all the foals in the schoolyard had their eyes glued to her, it dropped her into one of the school garbage cans.

A laugh escaped RJ's mouth at what she had just witnessed. Many other students broke out into mocking chuckles as well, observing as the Brat struggled to swim out of the repulsive trash.

Suddenly, soft chuckles seemed to grab her attention. She realised she wasn't the only one sitting under the tree.



"Rarity! Calm down!" A hot pink pegasus was slouched at the door of Rarity's bedroom.

"SINGSIA! DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! THAT COWPONY RUFFIAN, RUINED EVERYTHING!" Half crying, Half shouting, the unicorn inside bursted.

Suddenly, Sweetiebelle appeared. She was now a young mare, with light green eye shadow that matched her magic and eyes. Her mane was longer, but still as curly.

"Rarity! Quit it already! Your acting like a baby!" Rolling her eyes, the younger sister grunted.

Singsia looked at Sweetie sincerely and knocked again. "Rarity...Please...come out."

"NOT UNTIL APPLEJACK COMES HERE AND APOLOGIZES!" The fashion designer growed through the door, growing impatient.


"You're in early." Rainbow smirked, noticing the small beads of sweat dripping down Applejack's muzzle from the labour she had just worked.

She had to clean up the small farm that the family had, praying that Sweet Apple Acres had been handled too.


The Cowpony brushed aside the pegasus to get cleaned up, even flicking her tail up to tickle Dash's nose a little.

Rainbow blushed for a second, but noticed someone or something fly by the window.

It was too fast for fluttershy, so it wasn't her. Her curiosity got the best of the speed demon and she rushed to the window to peek if 'it' had landed near by.

"What the?" The words escaped before she could even think them through. She backed away from the window, running to the front door, she knocked over everything in her way, not caring what it was.

The several crashes, startled AJ.


The spectrum maned mare forced open the door and flew around to the side of her house.

"Oh god..."


Sorry about the cliffhangers!


So much stuff is happing.

Like woah. 0.0

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