Chapter 3

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RJ hugged Applejack, still sobbing from fear.

"Everypony hates me!" She screamed into her mother's coat.

Yes, it felt like everyone did. It was heart wrenching to see her daughter like this, with no friends. Somehow it was Applejacks fault, In the country pony's mind it was.

If she didn't screw up during labour, RJ would have at least had a sister to help her through.

"Nah they don't baby. They just don't understand you fully, that's all." AJ comforted.

"I wish ah was perfect, that you loved me, that I wasn't annoying, a failure-"

"Now hold on just an Apple-picking minute! You are perfect and Rainbow and I think you are the most wonderful thing thats ever happened to us!" AJ soothed, stroking her daughter's fine blonde hair.

RJ sniffed and wiped her tears. "Where is Momma anyway?"

"Shes-erm, out...doing, things..." Applejack had lied. She didn't like lying at all, it was completely against her.


RainbowDash felt the wind force her mane backwards as she speeded through the sky. She kept a lookout for a cloud mansion.

She spotted it with glee, the moon being her only source of light. She landed on the fluffy porch, knocking rudely.

"I'll get it!" She heard Cloud Spark's voice chirp.

When she opened the door, the filly was met with a very pissed off Rainbowdash.

"MOMMY!!" The little brat solked, not taking her orange eyes off Rainbow. The entry was handed over to spitfire, who was surprised to see her former fan.

She smirked. "Sorry, no autographs at this hour."

"Cut the shit Spitfire." Dash growled, speaking with a firm tone. "You know how your child was behaving!"

The wonderbolt fluttered her eyes, as if confused. "I don't know what your talking about..."

"I made you promise that you won't come anywhere near my family again!"

Spitfire scoffed. "Ha! You call that a family? You have a depressed and lonely daughter, a retarded cowpony who probably love apples more then life and then there's you..."

Angrily, she launched onto the mare, causing them to fall in a tackle inside the house. Wrestling for a couple of minutes, Soarin broke them up.

"I dunno what the hell you were thinking Dash, showing up here!" He warned.

"I came here to say that if I EVER see that spoiled thing over there, causing RJ any trouble, I won't hesitate to defend." Rainbow stood her ground, showing she ment every word.

"You got it." Soarin smiled.


Later on, the cyan mare sneakly crept through the darkened house. It was late, so she guessed her family were in bed.

"Took ya long enough."

Rainbow froze, hearing hoovesteps draw closer to her. Whispering in Dash's ear, Applejack hugged her wife from behind.

"Yeah..." She didn't know what to say, but felt AJ's relaxed breaths on her cheek. The kitchen was dark, only a single lamp all the way in the sitting room was on.

Applejack started slowly massaging RainbowDash's shoulders. "Y'all look stressed..."

"Oh...Erm...Whe-when did you learn th-this?! How-come I n-nev-ver experienced it un-til now..." Dash lazyily stuttered, falling deep into AJ's relaxation method.

"Its mah secret." The earthpony smiled.

"Can you d-do it m-more?" Dash was embarrassed, she blushed. Did she just ask that?!

"Anything for you sugar cube."

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