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Andrew is 10 years old in 4th grade and has great grades to make his mom Molly who is 30 years old proud of him. He is a big fan of Tornados and all sorts of weather that he sees. He lives in Nashville Tennessee and ever since he has liked the weather they have had to deal with during the summer and spring and so forth. His sister Madison is 6 years old in Kindergarten and loves dancing in Ballet. Their dad Alec sadly passed on from Epilepsy conditions because it caused him to throw himself on the bathroom tile hard damaging his skull and he died from the seizure. Molly has not wanted to replace Alec's role of being the father because she has seen stories on Facebook following Judge Judy that she has had to send a stepmom to jail for abusing a child and tried to throw her outside in her underwear and if she refused, she would grab the belt and hit her 10 times while the dad was not around. Andrew who is the oldest has been diagnosed with mild Autism when he was 3 and had to have surgery around that age for almost dying of a brain tumor trying to kill him. 

Andrew has a fan of tornados, but he also likes diapers. The reason why he says now is that he is safe in them and doesn't have to worry about the toilet clogging up if he uses too many wipes. His favorite companies for diapers are Pampers and Huggies because he loves the Sesame Street designs on the pampers and the Winnie the Pooh and Mickey Mouse designs on the Huggies. He hasn't told his mom that he likes diapers and that he wants a box of them yet. Will his mom be mad at him, make him wear diapers 24/7 and act like a baby, or let him off to wear them whenever he pleases? Find out in Chapter 1.

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