Chapter 4 Giant Consequences

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It was the following day, Andrew had woken up to the light shining through his window blinding him and to the smell of breakfast. Before Andrew leaves his room, he finds his closet door open, but he doesn't care about it because he is known for getting up in the middle of the night while asleep.

As Andrew heads downstairs, he finds his mom cooking some breakfast along with Madison downstairs on her tablet, however, something is off... Madison has a look on her face as if she did something clever. Andrew thinks for a few moments to finds out that she went through his closet and found his secret. Andrew hides his embarrassed self by just eating his breakfast while Madison throws the look. Andrew goes upstairs and closes his door, Madison however is not finished with him, she knocks on his door and demands entry. Andrew was not too mad so he let her in and closed the door. 

Madison: So can you explain what I found in your closet and your trash in your bathroom, I want answers, please.

Andrew: I do not want to talk about that.

Madison: That's not an answer.

Andrew: When I say I do not want to talk about it, I mean it!

Madison would not stop testing him and wanted more.

Madison: Ok fine, I am sorry, I will try again in a nicer tone. Please tell me why I found diapers in the closet, I thought you were potty trained and bedwetting trained, you don't need those.

Andrew: Again, I am not answering that.

Madison: Fine, You leave me no choice. If you cannot explain, I will pull down my pants and expose my diaper and go to the bathroom in it, and I know that will break you.

Andrew: Nope. :)

Madison: Fine, you leave me no choice.

Madison proceeds to pull down her pajama pants that have cupcakes on them and exposes her Dora diaper

Madison puts her legs farther out and farts in her diaper, and pees a little more as her diaper was already wet

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Madison puts her legs farther out and farts in her diaper, and pees a little more as her diaper was already wet.

Andrew: Cute little wet bottom, but you are gonna have to do more than that. :)

Madison: That was just what I was about to do.

Madison then turns around to the back of her diaper which had a lot of flowers. She then pushes her diaper padding into her butt crack. She then squats down and tries to poop. As she tries, lots of big farts come out, and soon, the crack of her diaper disappears and poop enlarges her diaper bottom, and soon the smell hits the room.

Andrew: Is that all you got?

Madison: I will increase the difficulty, I dare you to get into one of your Diego Easy Ups, and put on one of my dresses which has fit you before when we used to play dress up together.

Andrew: Over my dead body.

Madison: I guess the next time I see your little friends, I will just tell them that you wear diapers like me, and I will show them your easy-ups, pull-ups, baby diapers, and other hidden diaper stuff in this room--

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