Chapter 1 The beginning

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Andrew wakes up on a Saturday and looks at the diaper picture he printed off the computer that he hides. He has a huge fear of his mom knowing because he thinks she will make him do things he does not want to do. However, he remembers his dad's words when he looks at the photo, "Never be afraid of your own shadow son." he said when he was going to Preschool 5 years ago. 

Mom came into his room after Andrew hid the photo before she came in, she asked, "Since it is Saturday, I made you and Madison some pancakes downstairs." "Ok, mommy." (He still calls her mommy because he felt bad when he called her mom for the first time a few months ago). 

Andrew walks downstairs to find One plain pancake and one chocolate chip pancake with some scrambled eggs and 3 sausages. Madison who is Andrew's sis had the same thing on her plate except she had 2 chocolate pancakes instead of one plain and one chocolate. Mom: So how was everyone's sleep last night? Madison: It was great ma. Andrew: It was good. *They finish breakfast." Mom: Ok, who wants to go to the park? Madison: ME!!!!! Andrew: Sure. Mom: Ok let's hop into the car. *3 hours later. Andrew in head: I want to wear a diaper, but how, I am not able to pay for things yet because my cash has to be seen by mommy, Ima search my closet to find a diaper that was thrown in there for no reason. *20 minutes of searching* Andrew's head: I found something and it feels crinkly. *grabs it out of the closet*. Andrew: Oh wow I found 3 Pampers diapers, 2 easy ups, and one baby dry. Mom downstairs: Andrew? Andrew: Uh oh, I better hide these. *Hides. Mom: What was all that racket? Andrew: I was looking for something. Mom: Oh, well I need you to tell me when you want to go to your friend's house ok? Andrew: Ok mom.

*goes to friend's house* Lucas: Hey bud. Andrew: Hey. Lucas: What do you want to do? Andrew: I am not sure. Lucas: Well I have my phone, we can play games on there. *They both play games.* Andrew: Well I have to go. *Andrew goes home* Mom: Hey so I found something in your closet... Andrew *thinks*: Did she find the diapers? I hope not god. Mom: *shows a toy* You don't need this, do you? Andrew: No. Mom: Ok good because I was making sure. Andrew in head: thank god. Mom: Ok well ima go to the store with Madison. Be sure you don't answer the door. Andrew: Ok! Andrew *thinks*: Ima go try out those diapers and see if I fit in them, I bet I do not fit in the baby dry ones. 


Hey guys, be sure to like the story for Chapter 2 tomorrow awaiting the door step! Send me Chapter 2 ideas if you would like. :)

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