Chapter 5 Siblings in Diapers

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Molly (Mom) goes to Madison's Room to talk to her, but as she does so, she finds her in her fresh pampers easy ups with Dora and Boots on it and she is crying into her pillow.

Madison: what do you want :(

Mom: I think I was being too harsh. I apologize for my actions.

Madison: It's ok.

Mom: I see you are still wearing your easy-ups *pats her diaper butt 

Mom: Though this one is clean.

Madison: heh yeah 

Mom: I have decided to do something for you, I am going to get a pack of diapers for you in the same amount that Andrew has. However, most of Andrew's diapers are in a boy's variant, do you want the girl's version? 

Madison: Yes please I would like the girl's version.

Mom: Okay, and Andrew asked me to buy a pack of Luvs, would you like those too?

Madison: Yes, please.

Mom: Ok! BTW, I am lifting your restrictions against using your diapers, feel free to use them as you want, however, I do not want the boxes out in the open for your friends to find them. If they do, try explaining to them why you have them or say it is for a charity. 

Madison: Ok.

Mom: I am leaving now, feel free to hang out with Andrew if he wants company.

Madison: Okay! :)

Molly (Mom) leaves for the store and buys Madison the supplies, but before she comes home, she needs to run other errands. 

While Mom is out:

Madison: Andrew, can we hangout

Andrew: Sure

Andrew is still in his easy-up as Madison asks him to hang out with her. 

Madison and Andrew sit in the living room in a shirt and Easy-Up only watching baby shows because they can.

As Andrew is watching, Madison starts squirming and pees her diaper, and all the fadeaway flowers under Dora in a dress disappear.

Andrew: Did you just pee in your diaper?

Madison: Yes, I feel better now

Andrew looks down at his diaper to see if he wet himself, but he didn't. Instead, his diaper was dry and he still had the fadeaway smiling backpack designs showing.

Andrew then toots and pees his diaper and all the smiling backpacks disappear.

Madison: Let's play Just Dance in our wet diapers

Andrew: K

As Madison turns on the game, they both fart in their diapers at the same time, though this one sounds more poopy and longer, and they both laugh.

Once they danced to their songs, their diapers were full because as they were dancing, they pooped their diaper pants.

Andrew: Let's get changed.

Madison: Can I borrow a Pampers Baby Dry with Sesame Street? I will trade you one of my Baby Drys once mom comes back.

Andrew: Sure.

As they are diapering themselves in Baby Dry diapers, the mom comes home.

Mom: I am home!

Molly (Mom) Heads upstairs and gives Madison her diapers in the same amount as Andrew's, including a pack of Luvs. She then goes to Andrew's room and gives him the second pack of Luvs diapers.

Madison goes to Andrew's room with her toys in her hands.

Madison: Let's play Toddler. We play with our toys in just a shirt and a diaper, and we use our diapers for what they are used for.

Andrew: Sweet.

As they are playing, Madison gets up off the floor and turns around until her butt faces Andrew and drops a load into her diaper, and sits back down squishing it. As she sits down, a bunch of farts comes out of the diaper from squishing the load. Andrew without knowing pees and poops his diaper with a bunch of loud farts.

Madison: Yikes.

Andrew: Yeh

Madison: Oh well, I guess we have to change again, though this time, I am gonna change back into my underwear.

Andrew: Same here.

Mom: Kids! Dinner is ready, please come downstairs.

Andrew and Madison: Okay coming.

Madison unexpectedly comes over to Andrew and hugs him

Madison: I love you as my brother, sorry for teasing you.

Andrew: It is ok, if you ever need anything, just ask.

Mom: Your guy's dinner is getting cold!

Madison and Andrew bolt downstairs and they sit down after washing their hands and begin to eat the food their mom prepared them.

Mom: So I would like to ask you guys some questions, no they are not serious ones, just asking for an opinion. 

Madison: Go ahead.

Mom: How are you guys enjoying your diapers? Do they fit correctly? Are they comfy enough? Do I need to buy some others from a different brand in a different design?

Madison and Andrew: They fit, they are comfy, and there are no replacements required 

Mom: Alright good, now I am gonna ask another question. 

Madison and Andrew: yes?

Mom: Would you guys like to be babied? Basically, you would be changed by me on a changing table, you would wear your diapers all time unless there is a conflict like for example, having friends over, or in public if wanted, or if you do not want to wear them because you are not interested for the time being. No, you are not gonna be punished like crazy if you do something wrong, there will be no spanking, no whipping, no physical punishments. You guys can watch baby shows/toddler shows, etc. However, there will be no shows that involve profanity. Is anyone interested?

Madison: Yes please, I would love to do that

Andrew: eh

Madison: Oh come on Andrew, you know you want it.

Andrew: I am not sure about it.

Madison: Please do it, I wanna have a buddy with me having the same treatment

Andrew: Ok fine. :|

Madison: Yayyy

Mom: Ok that's great! First, finish your dinner, and then we will start.


Sorry if this was shorter than chapter 4, wanted to leave some room.

These chapters take a full day to write, and I am mostly busy along with other random speed bumps, so don't rush it in the comments. Thanks.

Please leave chapter 6 ideas in the comments!

A boy who loves diapersWhere stories live. Discover now