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                Zayn grumpily ate the porridge infront of him that was in the breakfast tray, "Do you still feel sick honey?" Sel that was seating by the foot of his bed smiled at him lovingly, "Yeah, Cause you're here" He rolled his eyes, "Are you saying something honey?" Sel pretended she didn't heard him and still smiled at him. "Nothing, Where's Pez?" Zayn scanned the room, "Oh, She went home. She said she still have a lot of chores to do, Poor Pezza" Sel shooked her head with a pout. "You did not tell her to go home, so we could be alone did you?" Zayn glared at the girl infront of her, Sel's eyebrows raised "What are you talking about hun? I'm not a bad person" She fake laughed, but the truth is she really did. "Could I asked you a favor?" Zayn stared at her with no emotion at all, "Sure anything hun.." Sel winked at him, "could you stopflirting with me and calling me with endearment" He sighed and shooked his head, even Perrie was too shy to called him that back then when everything's still normal.

                   Sel stared at him before she stood up "ow, okay" She smiled at him before turning around, she rolled her eyes but made sure Zayn didn't saw. That's when she caught sight of something, "Hey, who is that?" She frowned and pointed at the picture frames that was nailed on the wall facing Zayn's bed, "Uh, Pictures?" Zayn answered with a frown, why is she even asking, when it's obviously are photos. "I know, I mean. Who is that?" She asked while stepping few steps forward towards the wall, "Who?" Zayn's eyebrows raised, "This guy?" She pointed at the blonde haired boy who was with Zayn in the photo, The boy's arms were above Zayn's shoulder, they were both wearing shades and white plain shirt, They looks like they were having fun as their mouths are wide open showing their teeth as if they were laughing that time, they also looked very young, they were very thin back then unlike now that Zayn's body became manly, with muscles and abs.

                      Zayn's face suddenly turned grim, "It's Justin" He mumbled, "Justin? Where is he now? i don't see him around" Sel asked innocently, she was still facing the pictures not facing Zayn, she don't know if she'll ever hide the emotion on her face, her voice might be normal but not her face, full of anger as she bit her buttom lip keeping her emotions in. "He's dead" Zayn gulped before speaking, he clenched his fist that was on the blanket of his bed, "Dead? Why? What happened to him?" Sel cross her arms over her chest trying so hard not to cry still not facing the poor boy behind her, "Can we please change the subject? I don't wanna talk about him" Zayn closed his eyes trying to erase the memories that are now flashing back on his mind. "Why? Are you guilty?" Sel mumbled, but quickly came back through her senses when Zayn suddenly spoke "What did you just say?" He asked with a frown, "I didn't say anything" She turn around with a fake smile shrugging off her shoulders. "Oh you've finished your meal already? Good boy" She change the subject, with a cherrful voice as she ruflles his hair and remove the breakfast tray from Zayn's bed, "Sel" Zayn groaned while staring at her, Both her eyebrows raised "Alright, Alright. I'll stop it" She laughed before heading out of his room.

                           She went down the kitchen and put the tray on the counter, She grab the dishes and put it in the dishwasher, she crossed her arms over her chest before bitting her nails, 'That was close, I can't show my emotions, I just I'm still not ready to asked him more about Justin, or else I'll blow my cover' She thought to herself, "Hello?" A voice of a young girl startled her, "Hey" She turned around with a smile on her face, "Who are you?" A young beautiful girl with long black hair scanned her from head to toe before looking at her face, "you must be Waliyha, I'm Zayn's girlfriend" Sel faked a smile and hugged her before rolling her eyes, "Girlfriend?" Waliyha asked confused, the only girlfriend of Zayn that she knew is Perrie, he never mentioned anything about this girl, She frowned and didn't hugged her back. The moment Sel moved away from her she smiled fakely, "Where's mom? And my brother?" Waliyha asked, since the house was very quiet and no one greeted her the moment she went inside, "Zayn's upstairs resting, and Tricia? I still haven't seen her yet" Sel shrugged her shoulders off, "Okay, Mind if I check on my brother?" Waliyha pointed her thumb through her back, "Sure" Sel nods with a fake giggle.

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