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                                        After Zayn finished putting the bandage on Perrie's foot, "T-Thank you" Perrie mumbled shyly, "No problem, just don't run away like that again" Zayn shooked his head unbelievable of what Perrie did, She nods slowly not looking at the guy seating beside her, she still felt embarassed whenever she remebered that scene "how have you been?" Zayn suddenly serious deep voice made Perrie felt the chill, "w-what?" She frowned, "How have you been since the accident?" Zayn did not look at her, he was afraid Perrie might saw his true emotions, and it'll confused her for sure. "I-I've been fine, everyone's helping me" She looked at the back of the guy beside her, "That's good then" He mumbled, "Uh, I've been wanting to say this" she trailed off, Zayn looked at her curious of what she was about to say "T-Thank You for saving me, that day of the accident" She smiled genuinely at him, "I heard you've lost your memories because of that?" Zayn asked, she quickly looked down not wanting to meet his gaze, "Yeah, but it's alright, the doctor said It wasn't permanent" She bit her buttom lip, she didn't know why but she just don't want Zayn to feel pity for her, everyone knew her condition but when it comes to Zayn, it's different, she doesn't want the fact that Zayn's only talking and just being with her because he felt pity for her. And she don't even know why "So do you remember anything yet?" He asked eargely, he wanted to know what kind of memory she remembers and if he's still far away from that memory. "I remembered my first day as a transfer student, I was walking with my head down as I first entered the big gates of the school" Perrie stare off the distance as she remembered what she saw , a blonde girl with some nerdy glasses, the girl that was so shy and timid, change into who she is now, and it's sad that's she can't remember the rest of her memories, there's a lot of questions in her mind, like how did she change, how did she gain some confidence but whenever she tries to remember the pain always stopped her, the pain felt like thousands of knives are stabbing her, so she decided to just go with the flow and let the memories came back on it's own.

                                      "I was wondering if I also spraint my ankle back then" She looked down on her hands, "Because it felt so familiar, like something like this happened before?" She continue, Zayn's eyebrows raised,  "Familiar?" He asked although he already have some clue about what she was talking about, As she was staring off the distance suddenly something flashed her vision, she blink twice before closing her eyes, she frowned, and there it she saw, a dog wondering off the streets, the blonde haired girl with her nerdy glasses is there again, she was smiling as she watched the dog, but then the dog stopped at the middle of the streets, just to stracth it's ears, the girl saw something, she was shocked so she quickly run towards the dog and hugged it tightly, afraid that it might get hit by something, but that 'something' was blurry so she wasn't able see what it is, her eyes squinted trying hard to see what it may be but then she heard a voice, "Pez? Hey?" Perrie slowly opened her eyes, "Are you alright?" the familiar deep voice asked worridly, her eyebrows raised on what his brown orbs were telling her, his eyes were full of sadness and longingness, it was the first time she saw that expression on Zayn's face, he always looks so calm around her, but right now his different, "I th-think, I remembered something" She mumbled, Zayn's eyebrows raised, "What is it?" Zayn suddenly felt his heartbeat become faster, he was nervous, "I remembered a dog" She trailed off as she remembered what she just saw, "A dog?" His eyebrows raised, 'Is that the dog when we first met?' He asked himself, this time he almost hear his own heartbeat, that was the first time they met each other "Yeah, maybe I was fond of animals back then? I save that dog and, and I--" Perrie frowned as she tried to remember what she saw, "What is it Pez?" Zayn hold her shoulder for support, he ws worried about her but he was more earger to know, "I can't remember what happened after that, I can't remember what I saw back then, that made me run towards where the dog is and save it from who knows what" She shooked her head, feeling hopeless, Zayn's hand slowly fall from holding her shoulder, Perrie remembered the scene and the dog but her memory of him being there was gone, He felt every hope he had were slowly slipping away, 'Will we ever go back to how we used to be? Will she ever remembers me?' Zayn's thoughts were fighting inside his head., suddenly a knocked on the door startled them.

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