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Three weeks had passed and Perrie's already home, Although her parents want to stay with her 24/7, they decided to let Eleanor and Danielle handle it. Since the university is far from home, the three of them are sharing in an apartment near the university, they'd been there ever since before the accident happened. Perrie's also back on track, since she and Niall took up the same course they were classmates, Zayn felt a little relieved knowing that one of his best lad is always with her, he wanted to be with Perrie 24/7 but he also have his own classes and he can't risk repeating it, Since he doesn't want to be a burden to Perrie once her memories cameback, she'll be very sad that because of her Zayn didn't focused on his studies. Everytime that they were free, Niall would always message Zayn where they are and what are they doing, all those times it was painful for him, watching her from the distance, laughing and smiling without him. He felt like some kind of a stalker although it's his fiancee were talking about.

Perrie was so relieved that Niall is her classmate since she needs to keep up with the lessons, Niall became his tutor, Exams are coming up and she needs to understand every subject they have, it was hard since she can't remember anything but she's trying her best. Niall on the other hand felt that the Perrie he once knew were already gone, Perrie never cares about her studies, she was more of a happy-go-lucky and an adventurous kind of girl, she always bet her studies on her luck, but because of that attitude, it made her so fun to be with. And even though she bet everything on her luck, it never fails her, since she never had any failed subject. But maybe her luck had been so kind to her that it leaves her on the day of her wedding. Perrie and Niall were currently at the library sat across each other, reading some History book about their country. Perrie suddenly sigh that made Niall look at her, "What's the matter?" He asked, "I think I'm gonna need some magazines to read, I'm fed up with History" She groaned as she stood up, Niall laughed as he watched her walked over the bookshelves, "Well maybe she'still has the attitude of the Perrie that I knew" Niall mumbled to himself before focusing on the book again.

Perrie who thought of reading some magazines, were now walking towards the Fictional Books on the left corner of the library, she suddenly felt that instead of reading some magazine, maybe she could read some books that she'll be addicted to. Her fingers run through the books that was on the shelves as she walk, searching for a title that would get her interest. Until she found some Nicholas Sparks books, her eyebrows raised when a title caught her attention it's called A Walk To Remeber, she smiled to herself, "I'll borrow this" She mumbled, She slowly grab the book that was on her eye level, she looked down on it like she had found the most precious thing in the world. She looked up and was about to walk back to their table when her eyes caught something, it was a boy, with a black hair that was styled into a cool spike, he has a black headphone that was wrap around his neck, he was wearing a red checkered long sleeve that was unbuttoned showing his white shirt inside that has the word 'YES' .. His other hand was holding an open book, while the other were inside his ripped jeans pocket. Although three weeks had already passed since she last saw him, his face never left her mind. His pointed nose, his long thick eyelashes, his jawline. It was the most almost perfect face she had ever seen, She knows it was rude staring but she can't help it, she was mezmarized by this boy.

Zayn knew that Perrie and Niall will be at the library to study about their History subject, He knows he shouldn't be stalking since it's only in the school's library, what harm could possibly happen to her, but he can't help himself to be where Perrie is. He can't hug her, kiss her or even talk to her, she doesn't even know him, and as the days goes by that he follows her around hurts him more than anything, because he can't do anything about it. But his mind can't stop thinking about her when she's not around, so he doesn't have any choice but to follow her. Instead of watching her every move, he decided to read some mistery books. He leaned on one of the books shelves as he closed himself from reality. He was so engrossed on reading some kind of a Detective books when he felt someone staring at him, he slowly lift his head up, his eyes widened when he saw Perrie's face from the other side of the bookshelves infront of him, Perrie on the other hand felt embarassed that the boy saw her staring at him. Her eyes started moving left and right trying to think of a good reason, so the boy would not think of her as some kind of stalker. He saw me! He saw me! He saw me! She shouted inside her head. "Uh, Do you need something?" Zayn managed to spoke after being shocked that Perrie was infront of him, it's just been weeks since he last talk to her but it felt like forever and he missed her so much, infact he wanted to hug her right there and now.

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