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                       Perrie, El and Dani were hanging out at the school's field watching some soccer pratice that lunch time, "So any familiar back?" El asked Perrie with a grin, Perrie just shook her head as she took a bite on her sandwich, "maybe we should go to the cafeteria" Dani suggested, "Great idea, come on" El grab Perrie's hand and drag her out of the field, El and Dani already planned everything, although they knew whose back is it they're searching for, they pretended that they didn't. Perrie just followed her two bestfriends, "why are we even searching for it?" She asked but the two just shrugged off their shoulders, munching each of their sandwiches. Perrie frowned 'they've been acting really strange, actually I always noticed their actions but I always shrugged them off, I need to find out the reasons for myself' Perrie thought to herself. They finally arrive at the cafeteria and already finished their sandwiches, El's head kept on turning left to right searching for the lad's table, "There!' she exclaimed the moment she spotted that familiar curls. "So is she your girlfriend?" Liam rub his chin, "Seriously Hazzy bear! I thought you're head over heels over Ari!" Lou whined, "What? That's--" Harry was cut off when Dani suddenly appeared beside Liam, "Looks like you're enjoying your boys talk?" She joked putting her arms above Liam's shoulder, "babe" He grin at her, "Hazzy bear like some blondie!" Lou exclaimed, "Babe, stop sounding like a jealous girlfriend" El joked seating beside him, everyone laughed, "really? But I thought you like brunettes?" Perrie raised both of her eyebrows, "And where did you get that idea?" Harry frowned, "Oh? Didn't you like Ari?" Perrie sarcastically asked, and everyone laughed except Harry who just rolled his eyes, "That's what I just said" Lou added, "So who's the gal?" Dani asked who's now beside Liam, "It's Swift" Lou face palmed himself, "Whaaat?" Dani and El yelled at the same time, "Why? Who's this Swift?" Perrie frowned totally clueless.

                             Zayn took a day off from school, he was about to go but he suddenly felt ill, so he decided to stay at the apartment, he wanted to let the lads know but unfortunately he only manage to message Niall, to take care of Perrie while he was gone, saying he was sick and all, he knew Niall would tell the lads. But what worries him the most is that stalker Selena, He's pretty sure that if she find out Zayn's not at school because he's sick, for sure she'd barged inside the apartment again, ruining he's peace for good, So he decided to take a five minutes nap before putting on his jeans, white shirt, black leather jacket, vans and his helmet. Even though he's feeling sick he's still on his senses that he can still drive, He was about to open the door when his phone rings, he took it off from his pocket and there it is, the name he didn't want to see appear on the caller I.D. 'Stalker' It says, He turn off his phone before putting it back on his pocket, he turn the door knob and slowly pull the door, he peek outside making sure Selena's not outside, He let out a sigh of relief seeing that he's safe, before walking outside and locking the aparment's door, he head towards his motorcycle, put on his helmet and drove off.

                                "Swift's a nerd" Liam answered Perrie's question, "And? I'm a nerd too" Perrie frowned, "Yeah, but you're different" El answered, "Swift belonged to those group of nerds, wearing glasses, brading their hair, wearing jumpers, nose stuck on a book, braces on their teeth, and when they smile they show of those braces as if it's a precious gold that only they had those kinds of creepy nerds" Lou cringed, "Does they looked that bad?" Perrie asked, "Not that bad but weird" Harry answered, "Then if she was like that, so why would you like her over our Ari?" Perrie glared at Harry, "What? For goodness sake Pez I don't like her" Harry raised his hands in surrender, "You don't like who? That Swift? Or our Ari?" Perrie made a cheeky grin, "Perrie's getting better at teasing" El laughed, "Argh! If I answer Swift you'll hate me forever, If I answer Ari you'll tease me forever so I'm not gonna answer that" Harry rolled his eyes and everyone laughed "But seriously, she's a babe now" Lou butt in, "Babe? You mean? Sexy and Beautiful?" Dani frowned, "Yeah that kind" Lou nods, "Wait where did you saw her?" El asked, "Haz is talking to her earlier by the parking area" Liam point his thumb through his back, "Really? Where's Ari? She saw you talking to another girl?" Perrie's eyes widned, "you make it sound like she's my girlfriend" Harry rolled his eyes, "Maybe that's why she's not around she saw you cheating on her and now she's sulking on a corner somewhere in this huge campus! Poor thing" Pez shooked her head with a sad face but she's seriously enjoy teasing him. Harry suddenly stood up and walk away causing everyone to exchanged glances, "you pissed him off Pez" El squeeled first time seeing Haz walk out, "No, she didn't he went to search for Ari" Lou winked, "How can you say so?" Dani asked "I know so" Lou grinned. "Hey, Do you all know where Zayn is?" Suddenly a voice came popping out of nowhere, everyone snapped there heads "Hey Sel" Lou waved at her, "He took a day off of school, he's sick" Liam answered, "What? But he wasn't inside the apartment" Sel sat down where Harry was seated a while ago. "What? You mean you went to our apartment?" Lou's eyes widened, "Yeah, I was worried and he's not answering his phone" Sel pout, suddenly Perrie's phone started ringing.

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